"-and number 5 has shown signs of mutation" said thirty-two and his gaze snapped to the capsule with number 5. Orochimaru stepped closer and eyed the creature inside. Then his gaze fell to its head, or to be more precise, its eyes, and he couldn't help but notice that they were focused on him. He walked a few steps to the left and to the right and then found that they were following him. He grinned and his golden eyes lit up with interest.

"Well, that's interesting" he said, intrigued, "Number 5 is able to form independent thoughts good enough to follow a figure with his eyes."

He turned to Thirty-Two "get him into one of the lower single rooms and tighten security around him. When that is done, come to me and report back. Note any changes in his behavior" he said, glancing sideways at the creature, which was still staring at him out of its wide-open, vacant eye.

"Let's see what it's capable of."


"You mean to tell me that one of your Nomus is capable of intelligent thought?" asked All for One, somewhat surprised.

"It's not much, but it's developing at an amazing rate. Right now, though, it's uncertain what direction it might head, which is why I've isolated it." said Orochimaru as he sat comfortably on one of the bar stools. Shigaraki was a few feet away, circling his glass boredly while Kurogiri cleaned the counter. No matter when Orochimaru came, he always seemed to do the same thing. Either he was cleaning the counter or a glass. Nothing else.

All for One hummed "We've had a few who are capable of logical thought as well, however it's impressive that you've managed to do it in such a short time" he praised him and seemed lost in thought a moment later.

"When exactly are you planning to deploy the Nomus?" asked Orochimaru curiously, and Shigaraki listened up.

"In the next year or two, we'll be releasing the first prototypes to the public," All for One replied, "I planned to use them as a debut for Tomura once he's ready."

At the words, an exuberant grin formed on Shigaraki's lips. Orochimaru raised an eyebrow. To him, this person was really just a big kid. He wondered if he would ever be ready to lead a real group with that attitude, but that wasn't his problem. If All for One felt that he wanted to use him as a figurehead for this organization, then he should do so. As long as Orochimaru wasn't interfered with, he could enjoy the show in peace. And he was sure that a man-child who was ready to kill and who cared little for the losses of others left quite a bit of chaos in his wake.

He slowly straightened up "Well, I'm off then" and moved towards the exit.

Suddenly All for One seemed to think of something else "You should be careful, many eyes are on you right now. Many will try to contact you in the future and I don't just mean one side" he warned.

Orochimaru simply raised his hand in farewell and walked out of the door.


A few days later when Orochimaru took a mission again, he could feel himself being followed. "you are really naive if you think that just this many would be enough to stop me" he sneered and shushined himself onto a roof. From there he could see a person running out of the alley and looking around in confusion.

The Sannin could recognize the person. He was one of his father's men. Looks like they were starting to get active now.

The man said something into a walkie talkie and then continued running down the street. The other chakra signatures were also discharging.

"Pathetic" he whispered and continued walking in his target direction.


A few days later, over dinner, his father informed him that he would now call in Pro Heroes because the operations were becoming increasingly risky.

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