Chapter 2: New experience.

Start from the beginning


Five minutes passed by after rylie had given the paperwork work to bowser. Upon looking it over, and signing his name on it he proceeded to give her the paperwork. All it took now was for rylie to file it, which didn't take long. "It's official!" Rylie said a few minutes later with excited joy in her voice, which bowser chuckled in agreement while max had relieved joy in his face. Finally, max had a new home! "Well, max, i'll miss you!" Rylie said sadly, who had quickly written down her phone number on a piece of paper. "Promise me you'll give me a call when you're able to, ok?"" She asked as she put the piece of paper in his hand. "Of course. Hopefully that'll happen soon." He says as he looked down at her with a grin on his face. It had been awhile since he had ever grinned like that, and to him, it felt good. What he didn't know however, was that bowser had a spilt second look of surprise on his face.

-Bowser pov-

That grin...i remember that shit eating grin from my younger, this kid couldn't be HIS son. Besides...i haven't seen mr hotshot in years! Even IF max was my younger cousins' son, i certainly wasn't gonna treat him any differently. I'll keep my eye on him though..max is certainly a interesting individual.

-Max pov-

I just couldn't contain this grin. It feels so..good, you know? I couldn't help it when i suddenly hugged the koopa who is actually going to adopt me who chuckled as i did so. I hardly cared that i wasn't the tallest any more. I cared more about the fact i was getting a new home! "Bye rylie! I'll be sure to call you!" I said before walking out the front door with my dad. "Have a good life, max!" She said with glee before the door behind me closed. I have never been outside of this place, but one thing was certain: a bridge that was nearby that had a lake below was the only way in or out of this place!

"So, uh..what's your name?" I asked as we walked to his car, which is something called a lamborghini urus that's not only a luxury suv painted red, it's also been custom made for him to be able to fit in. Wow..i've heard that this is exclusive to a place where it's all one huge did he get this? "It's bowser." He says with a smile. "I''m..-" "Max. I read your file." He says, finishing for me with a loving smile, which surprised me for a quick moment, but it quickly make sense to me since he was looking it over before we left. Once i got in the front seat and put my seatbelt on, i was floored by how amazing the brown leather seats were, and the fact that the seats are all big enough for bowser to sit in! And luckily for me, my seat could be altered so that i can at least see out of the window, which is something i found out for myself as it slowly raised upward.

Huh...neat. I didn't know a car seat could do that. Must be a custom feature! It also makes me wonder if the human world had something like this.

This is definitely the first time i get to see what the outside world looked like beyond the adoption home. "Ready?" Bowser asked as he started the car. It sounded amazing! "Yup! I'm all set!" I chirped gleefully as bowser drove on the bridge and towards a nearby city as i took out my iPod and opened up the note app so that i could type in rylie's phone number in case i lose the piece of paper, and put it back in my bookbag. "That yours?" He asked who looked over at me just as i was about to put it in my bookbag. "Yup. It's old, but it kept me from getting bored and gave me something to do whenever i couldn't sleep." I responded proudly, which is true since there were nights that felt like it was slower than molasses!

"My place is about 2 hours away, so don't get overwhelmed kiddo, alright?" He says to me, which confused me for a moment, then remembered that if he could afford something like this, then i could only imagine what his house was like! "Um..why's that?" I asked. "Well, i have 8 kids. You're my 9th!" He answered. Daaaamn, 8?! I'm definitely part of a big family! "And since i have major wealth, i can take care of them." He simply says as if it wasn't a big deal, but it certainly was to me.

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