Chapter 4 : Am i inlove?

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I would normally wake up , grouchy as hell but today was different , the sky felt bluer , the air smelt glorious , the birds were chirping , the sun even looked brighter . 

In all it was a beautiful day . 

Today , i was going to meet the cast and talk about our roles and just get to know our self 

So i decided to spice up today's outfit , make it look sexy 

So i decided to spice up today's outfit , make it look sexy 

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After i was done getting ready , i went to meet Tom but he said he could not come with me because he had a photo shoot . 

I did not mind but i felt lonely going to the meeting by myself . 


Becky 🤩

Hey girl , meet me at starbucks 

so we can got to the cast meet together 


What  a relief , i thought i would have to go by myself . 

Thats why i loved becky , even though she was my brothers age . She did not treat me like i was some baby .

 She was like a sister to me . 

Starbucks was not far from here , so I decided to just walk down . 

In a couple of minutes , I had arrived at starbucks and becky had ordered me a pink drink . 

Becky : U ready 

Lets do this 

We took a cab to the venue . When we arrived everyone seemed happy and comfortable with each other but 

As i entered the room , all eyes were on me and it was so awkwardly silent . 

Until Gerad finally broke the silence and welcomed me . 

After that eliot and emmy recognized me and came to give me a hug 

Then Robert , gave me a hug and we did a little dancy dancy dance together . 

So far , robert was my fav , he was so funny . 

Suddenly , I felt a soft hand tap  my back and  when i turned to see , who it was .

It was no other , than Aidan Gallagher , they guy who played five hagreeves  , my love interest . 

He gave me a hug  and introduced himself 

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