60. Olivia

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'...we're off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of oz...'

'And scene! Well done guys!' Miss. Moore called out to the cast as we rehearsed a song in the music room. 'That's enough for today!'

I got up from my cross-legged position on the floor and paced over to Miss. Moore to hand in my music sheet.

'How do you think I'm doing, Miss. Moore?' I asked her.

'I think you're doing really good, Olivia!' she replied, enthusiastically. 'Just work on those high notes for me as much as you can for that last bridge of the song and it'll be ten out of ten.'

'Okay, no problem,' I chuckled. 'Thanks, see you Friday!'

I said goodbye to the rest of the cast and left the music room, passing by the drama studio as I did so. I peered in but I could see that the other three hadn't bothered with detention tonight. After the drama that had just occurred between us, I figured we'd all decided to throw in the towel and give up on even bothering to show up.

I made it back to the grade 12 wing and as I entered the common room, I paused and glanced around. The first thing I saw was Juliet and Conrad sitting together, whispering in each other's ears. Then I spotted Brynn in the corner with Tate and I purposefully looked for Shane and Axel but clearly they were still keeping their shenanigans within their dorm and Axel clearly wasn't ready to come out yet.

Then, as I turned to head for the girls' dorms, a head of bouncy, blonde curls were coming towards me, and my eyes widened as I realised it was Polly.

'Hey,' I said, cautiously. 'You're back.'

'Let's not do this, Liv,' she said, as she stopped in front of me and glared. 'I know it was you.'

'You know what was me?' I asked.

'How's rehearsals going?' she asked.

I narrowed my eyes and nodded slowly as I realised what this was. She wasn't going to think she could intimidate me. 'Rehearsals are going great. I think I'm doing Chloe very proud.'

'You don't care about Chloe,' Polly snorted. 'You obviously only cared about the role.'

'Excuse me?' I cried, and the looks from our classmates were starting.

'I know it was you who told the detectives to look into me as a suspect,' she said, through gritted teeth. 'How could you do that to me? I've been through hell.'

'You pretended like you were so sad and upset about what happened to Chloe; you didn't give a shit!' I hissed. 'The second I found out you'd put on the heartbroken best friend act, I knew they had to at least be made aware of the real you.'

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