7. Juliet

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The sound of loud music made me jump up in my bed and I scowled at my roomate Gabriella as she grinned at me from where she stood by her speaker

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The sound of loud music made me jump up in my bed and I scowled at my roomate Gabriella as she grinned at me from where she stood by her speaker.

'Can you turn it down?' I cried.

She frowned and turned it down a touch, crossing her arms and glaring at me.

'It's only 6pm, it's not my fault you have the mental age of a 90-year-old,' she scoffed, stripping out of her uniform. I looked away as her leopard print underwear came on show and I focused on looking out of my window.

'You know I always take a nap after classes because I have to stay up late to study,' I murmured.

'Yeah, I know, how do you think I feel when I'm trying to sleep at stupid o' clock and your nightlight is burning away all night?' she asked, rudely.

'Fair,' I sighed, getting out of my bed.

'You know, I'm getting really sick of how messy your side of the room is,' Gabriella stated, still frowning at me. 'It's bad enough that I'm stuck with you but the fact that you're a pig too is just too much.'

'It's not even a mess!' I cried, staring around at my side. There were a few books scattered on the floor by my bed, my desk was a little unorganised and my bedside table was cluttered with stationery but I wouldn't exactly say it was messy. 'What about on the weekends when your side, and my side, has your clothes and shoes and makeup thrown about everywhere?'

'God, do you know how much money I would happily pay to change roommates?' she spat. 'I've been stuck with you for more than five damn years and I have no idea how I haven't killed you!'

'Maybe you should pay it then,' I mumbled, heading to my closet to grab my wash bag.

'I've tried, believe me!' she yelled.

'Well, I'm sorry that your life is so bad being stuck with me,' I sighed, grabbing my towel.

'The thing you look forward to the most when getting your roomie is making a new friend who you'll live with for the next seven years and out of every single student in our grade, I ended up with the peasant!'

Peasant was what the kids in our school who paid for their place called the few that won the free place and in our grade, I was the peasant.

'Your life is so hard,' I said, sarcastically, as I walked to the door.

'It is!' she cried. 'And aswell as being the peasant, you're a total nerd and a loser too and nobody likes you.'

'I'm going for a shower,' I sighed, leaving the room.

I headed down the corridor in my oversized red shirt that actually belonged to my dad, my towel, wash bag and pyjamas in my hand and I planned to take a very long shower to spend less time with Gabriella before she wandered off to her friend's room.

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