Sitting down beside Gulf,he wiped the tears from his cheek...

'Boo...their going to take away Cale...' Gulf said crying

'Baby it's just a dream. Calm down..Shh...come here' Mew pulled his wife towards him...

'B-but it-'

'Gulf baby,we will not let anyone take our son okay? We will not let anyone hurt him..Okay?' Mew said cupping Gulf's face..Gulf nods...

'Boo...can you get him?' Gulf asked

'Of course love..Wait here.' Mew peck Gulf's forehead before going out to get Cale...

Mew came back with their baby boy. Seeing Cale,Gulf can finally breathe..

'Hi baby boy...Sorry if we disturbed your sleep love..' Gulf said kissing Cale's forehead..

Gulf put their baby in the middle and lie down..Mew lie to his side..


'Yes bii?'

'What are we going to do? We're going back to work na?' Gulf asked..

Mew reached for Gulf's hand..'If I'm the one to decide...I don't want you to go back and just focus on Cale...But I know you will not agree..' he said honestly...Gulf nods slowly...But an idea came..

'Then...what if we share office? We can take Cale and we are able to take care of him while working.' Gulf said smiling..Mew chuckled and agree...

'Okay..I will call Tong and Mild to set everything up by Monday..' said Mew

'Yey~ thank you love.' Gulf said leaning to kiss his hubby. Mew met him halfway..


Monday came and the couple with their baby are in the hospital. They will know the result of their baby if Cale is like Gulf or not...

🗣: Good morning Mr.Suppasit..Please have a sit..

Mew and Gulf thanked him and took their seats..

🗣: Okay so the result is here..

The doctor handed the envelope and they checked it..

'He's like me...but what's the meaning of this type B?' Gulf asked

🗣: That is what I'm going to explain...So,baby Cale is like you but a bit different...

'Different how?' asked Mew

🗣: Unlike Gulf that has both reproductive organs of both sex...Cale is not..He only has the female inside and male's genitalia outside..

'So my baby is like a female trapped in a male's body.' Gulf said in a low tone..He don't know what to feel. He is looking at the baby sleeping in his arms..Mew hugged his shoulder and kissed his temple..

'Is there anything that we need to know?' Mew asked

🗣: Just a few...Cale might experience menstrual cycle like girls..and his features might be feminine..We will monitor him if his body will change when he hit puberty..


Mew and Gulf are inside the car now..Gulf can't hold his tears anymore..

'I'm sorry baby...*sobs* I'm sorry.' Gulf said rocking his baby.. Mew took him in his arms...

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