𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 11➴

Start from the beginning

"Yes." Hawks crossed his arms and pouted.

"Hawks, could you keep your hands off of Y/N for a minute please? I want to talk to her without having to hear about all of your... moments." Fumikage crossed his arms. Hawks looked over at you, and raised an eyebrow.

"You told him?" He asked.

"Well- I mean, yeah. He's my best friend!" You rubbed the back of your neck, feeling heat flush to your cheeks.

Fumikage rolled his eyes. "Did you tell him about what happened on the mission then?!" Hawks' face began heating up. "How could I have told him that when I was too busy fighting!? You think I would've texted him in the middle of it like 'lol, me and Hawks just made out and then he wanked over it' of course fucking not!" You argued back. 

"W-What!?" Fumikage shouted. You covered your mouth. Hawks sighed. 

"Whatever." Fumikage sighed. 

"Anyways, Kaminari and Kirishima came to visit me. They heard you were in the hospital and said they were sad that you couldn't go out with them, but hoped you got better soon. Plus Kaminari said to text him when you woke up." Fumikage picked up the flowers that he dropped on the floor and handed them to you. "These are from Kirishima." 

You read the note that was with the flowers. 

'Hey Y/N.

It's Kirishima. Sorry you couldn't come out with us!

But you were fighting villains, so it's fine.

You're so manly!

Here's my number so you can text me when you wake up.

[Kirishima's number]

Stay manly.


You let out a small smile after reading the note, and Hawks raised an eyebrow. "Oh?" He leaned over your shoulder, and read the note. "Why is he calling you manly? You're a girl." Hawks asked, slightly confused.

"That's just what he says. You should've heard him back in high school! All the time, he was always calling Bakugou manly!" You laughed.

"There were loads of rumours that Bakugou and Kirishima were dating." Fumikage let out a small laugh. "They did act like it though, they were always together, and Bakugou always turned down confessions." You placed your hand on your chin, deep in thought.

"Yeah, like when he turned you down." Fumikage winked. You rolled your eyes. "Y/N, you had a crush on Bakugou?" Hawks poked you in the side.

"Yeah, I did. He turned me down too. He was actually pretty brutal about it. He said something along the lines of 'You think I'd date some kind of nerd like you? God no. You're just a stepping stone to my victory. Go date Mineta or something, he's the only one who would actually date you anyways.' Looking back on it, it's actually quite funny." You let out a small laugh.

"I forgot he said that! I was so angry, me and Dark Shadow wanted to hit him, but Y/N stopped us." Fumikage sighed.

Hawks' chuckled. "Wow, that was... unnecessarily violent." He wiped a small tear from his eye, and you noticed that the corner of his eye had smudged. Just where he had... EYELINER!

"YOU DO WEAR EYELINER!" You shouted, pointing at his eye. "W-What?" Hawks looked confused.

"Your eye! The part where the eyeliner is! It smudged!" You licked your finger, and swiped across his eye. Eyeliner went onto your finger, and was smeared across his nose from where you had swiped it.

"AHA! I caught you red handed!" You cheered, and stood up on your bed. Fumikage gasped. "Y/N! Be careful, you could fall and get hurt!" He shouted, trying to catch you just incase you did fall.

"Ah, my thigh is completely fine, I can barely feel it. I wont fall." You giggled. Hawks just smiled at you, and then grabbed your hand. He pulled your hand and you fell into his lap. "Okay, Y/N. You've had your fun, I think you need to rest now." He smiled.

You sighed, and crawled into bed. "Okay.." You mumbled, and huddled into your bedsheets.

Hawks crawled in aswell, and spooned you. "H-Hey! What are you trying to do, Hawks?" Fumikage shouted. "Nothing, I'm also tired. I'll just sleep with Y/N. You can go now." Hawks smirked, then winked at Fumikage.

Fumikage sighed, and walked out.

"Bye, Y/N." He waved.

"Bye Fumi." You answered back.

"Night, Y/N." Hawks whispered into the nape of your neck.

"Night Hawks." You mumbled, drifting into a deep sleep.

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