“I am not little!”

I just laugh at Loki and begin to aim the car at Rocco and Maya’s car. At the last second though Loki grabs the wheel and turns it so we miss.

I object “Loki wait no.”

Loki argues “No more crashing into people it hurts.”

I comment “It doesn’t hurt that much Loki.”

“Maybe for you it doesn’t. I’m still sore from earlier.”

I just burst out laughing again and push his hands away from the wheel turning it and ploughing straight into Athena and Alexis.

Loki groans and folds his arms seemingly giving up with trying to stop the inevitable crashing of the bumper cars.

Eventually the ride comes to an end much to the disappointment of most of the clan. We all climb out and head off the ride and into a large free space.

I announce “Alright guys here’s the plan we’ll all split into groups of about six. Two Enforcers per group for protection please. Once you’ve got your group report to me please and I’ll let you go.”

Thea, Athena and Skye waltz happily over to me and Loki.  Raya and Phoenix appear not long after.

Thea greets “Here we go a group of seven with the most important Enforcer of all and then of course Raya.”

I smile “Isn’t that the truth there.”

Raya scoffs pretending to be hurt then begins to laugh.

Roxy, Morgan, Rocco, Maya, Zoey and Gabriel are the first to come forward as a group. Roxy is visibly buzzing with excitement while Morgan looks like he is regretting the idea of the fairground. The second group consists of Jacob, Nora, Isaac, Alexis, Aaron and Quinn who come and go without a fuss. The last group consists of Jett, Pierce, Remi, Felix, Kira, Crystal and Esme.

Once all the other groups have disappeared I ask “Where do we want to go first?”

Thea announces “The pendulum ride whatever the call it here.”

I suggest “How about we get a map and we can see what it’s called.”

Skye grins “This will be so much fun.”

Thea darts away quickly and returns almost as quickly holding a map. I take a look at the map and discover how large the fairground is. It is huge and there looks to be at least twenty different large rides which we can go on. Morgan definitely lied to me.

Thea points to a ride called the ‘Magic Carpet’ which looks to be one of those Pendulum rides which are usually fun to go on. I begin to grin while my gaze slowly focuses in on Loki who isn’t looking that enthusiastic about this.

Thea bursts out laughing then smiles “I’ve seen that look before.”

Loki clearly comes back to reality and looks at me his eyes widening at the look on my face.

Loki asks “What? Why are you looking at me like that?”

I grin “You’ll see now let’s go.”

We all rush over to the ride that Thea pointed out. The ‘Magic Carpet’.

Upon arrival at the ride Loki objects “I am not going on that.”

I ask “Why not?”

“It doesn’t look stable look at how it spins.”

“That’s what it’s supposed to do you big chicken.”

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