'I'm sorry, Brynn,' he murmured.

'No, I am!' I blurted out, pulling back from him and looking at him seriously. 'As if I put my hands on you! I can't believe I did that! I'm really sorry!'

'We were both at fault,' he replied. 'We both argued, we both said things...'

'You didn't really say anything,' I sighed. 'You didn't do anything wrong. I was just a bitch.'

'Well...it's you, of course you were a bitch,' he said, seriously, before his face caved and he broke into laughter. My own laughter followed.

'Fair one,' I chuckled, shaking my head slowly. 'I hate not talking to you.'

'Me too,' Tate replied. 'I asked you to come here so we could fix things, but also so we could talk about things properly.'

'Okay...' I nodded slowly and he took my hand and led me to his bed where we both sat.

'I'm sorry if I made you feel like I was ditching you for Zoe,' Tate began, and he held onto my hand. 'I honestly didn't even realise it bothered you. Not much really does bother you, so...the last thing I thought you felt was rejected or upset.'

'You're right,' I sighed. 'Things don't bother me, but that appears to be changing at the moment and I have no idea why. I feel like I barely recognise myself.'

'You've definitely softened up since you first got here,' Tate laughed.

'Please don't say that,' I replied, but I smirked softly.

'It's a nice side of you to see,' Tate said.

'It's not a nice way to feel,' I murmured. 'I'm sorry for being all territorial. You can obviously have me as your friend and her as your...whatever she is. If you like her, I should support that.'

'All I wanted was for you two to get to know each other better and for us all to hang out,' Tate said. 'I didn't realise it was going to cause such a drama.'

'I can get to know her,' I said, although it was killing me to say so. I wanted to do it for Tate, but I still felt that niggle of jealousy inside of me.

'Yeah, ummm...kinda' no point in that anymore,' Tate said, laughing awkwardly. 'I broke things off with her.'

'Oh...' I sat there in shock and nodded nervously. Inside, I was happy. Why was I such a selfish bitch when it came to him? I was glad they'd broken things off. It meant no longer having him ditch me for her or her lurking around.

'Yeah, something tells me you're not feeling so bad about that,' Tate chuckled.

'Oh god, sorry,' I replied, feeling myself blush. 'I'm sorry if you're sad about it, really I am!'

'I'm not sad about it,' he said, with a shrug. 'It wasn't really a serious or long term thing.'

'How did she take it?' I asked.

'You honestly want to know?' he asked, and I nodded. 'Well...she said I wasted her time and that I was an asshole, a jerk, a prick. She said that I was only doing it because you didn't like her and I was obviously taking your side because...well, she believed that something was going on between us.'

'Oh!' My eyes widened and I could feel slow butterflies drifting around in my stomach as I watched the way his cheeks flushed as he said it.

'Yeah...I kinda' just let her say what she wanted to say because she was annoyed and then she left my room and I haven't seen her since,' Tate told me.

'Why did you break things off with her?' I asked. 'Because...if it was because I didn't like her or because I was being a bitch then I'm about to feel really bad about that.'

'No, it wasn't that,' he murmured. 'It was our fight. It made me think some things. I made me realise some things.'

'What things?' I asked, nervously.

'Were you actually jealous?' he asked me, catching me off guard and I shifted on the bed awkwardly. 'Be honest with me.'

'Yeah,' I replied, letting out a sigh. 'You were spending all of your time with her.'

He stared at me softly and nodded in understanding, leaving me smiling awkwardly. What was he doing to me? I began to blush and Tate started smirking softly when he noticed.

'Tate, stop looking at me like that,' I laughed, trying to turn away.

'I'm sorry,' he said, still grinning gently but continuing to stare at me.

'Why are you looking at me like that?' I asked.

He shook his head slowly as he looked to the wall and then looked back at me. 'Am I wrong in thinking there is...do you think there's something between us?'

My mouth hung open as I looked for a response. I knew what I wanted to say but I was hesitant. I was buzzing with adrenaline at his question and the way in which it seemed he was looking for one answer in particular, one answer that it was clear to me that he was thinking too. It was time for shy, giggly, bashful Brynn to get the fuck out and the old me to get back.

'Yes, I do...' I replied, nodding at him, and I saw the relief on his face. 'On my part...I think there is.'

'Wow...okay,' he said, laughing softly.

'And you?' I asked, nervously. 'Is there something more to this for you?'

He smiled again and nodded quickly, not answering the question, but instead, he moved closer to me and pressed his lips to mine. His hands moved up to gently rest on my jaw and I rested mine on the back of his neck as I kissed him back. It was a strange feeling to be kissing him, but it was unlike any other kiss I'd ever had. I still felt weird kissing my best friend, but comforted and secure.

'That answer your question?' Tate mumbled, against my lips.

'Sure does,' I chuckled, and I kissed him again.

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