When Kiara entered the bathroom. She closed the door behind her. There Cameron sat on the toliet, a towel resting over her lap so her privates were covered.

Kiara sent Cameron a small smile before pulling out all the women supplies. "Cam I'm so happy for you. This is nothing to be embarrassed about." Kiara explained.

"Lets first get you sorted so your not sitting on the toliet." Kiara opened a packet of pads pulling out one. She moved over to Cameron to where her fresh underwear laid on the ground.

"Look I'm going to show you how you put on a pad. This one that I have in my hand is for the day. You change this every two to three hours depending how full it is." Cameron nodded her head in understatement.

"So you open the wrapper. This here is the pad. So you pull that off the wrapper. See how the back of that is sticky? Well that part sticks to your underwear like this." Kiara stuck the pad into the underwear. "Now you see this tab. They are the wings to secure your pad. So you take this off then the little flaps stick on the back like that. There you go your pad is ready." Kiara held up the padded underwear.

She handed them to Cameron to put on. Kiara turned around giving her some privacy as Cameron put on her underwear and pyjama pants.

"I'm finished. You can turn around." Cameron said. She felt releaved that Kiara was here and able to help her.

"Right so I brought you two packets of each. Hopefully they will last you for this period and maybe your next." Kiara pointed to the other packets on the bathroom counter. "So these ones here are bigger cause they are for the night. Usually you just put on one for the night and change it in the morning and its okay if you leak it happens to all of us." Kiara explained.

"What do I do after I'm finished with it?" Cameron asked.

"So you keep the wrapper and once your finished with the one you were wearing. Pull it off your underwear. Roll it up the pad and then put the pad in the wrapper. Roll it up again. Make sure it is sealed with this little tab then throw it in the bin. Never flush it." Kiara explained showing Cameron what to do.

"Thank you Kiara." Cameron pulled her into a hug.

"No problem. Even if me and your brother aren't talking I'll always be here for you." Kiara smiled sadly.

"Your not talking again?" Cameron asked.

"No." Kiara let out a sigh. "Some things are just not ment to be. In anyways I'll be going back to college soon."

"You never know." Cameron mumbled . Before pulling away from their embrace.

"So do you know what to do now?" Kiara asked.

Cameron nodded. She was glad Kiara was here.


Noah walked Kiara to the door after she had explained some more things to Cameron about keeping extra stuff in her school bag, so on.

"Thank you for helping with Cameron." Noah smiled. His hand resting on the door handle.

"It was no problem at all. You know I would do anything for her." They just stared at eachother for a minute. Kiara tapped the side of her thighs breaking their staring. "Well I better get going. It was good to see you again Noah."

"You too Kiara. Thanks again."

Kiara sent him one last smile as he closed the door.

Little did they both know Kiara couldn't move from the front door. She stood there staring at it. While Noah on the other side stood staring at the door. His hand still resting on the door handle.

What was he doing?

What was she doing?

Kiara raised her hand to knock on the door. When it opened to reveal Noah. Their eyes connected again, both shocked to see that they had been thinking the same thing.

Next thing they kissed.

"You can not destroy your innocence." Mason came behind Cameron covering her eyes from Noah kissing Kiara. Cameron had stood at the kitchen door entrance watching this all play out.

"Hey. No fair." Cameron tried to pull Mason's hands off her eyes but failed.

"We are going back into the kitchen to give them some privacy." Mason explained turning Camron back around into the kitchen.

Noah and Kiara both pulled away gasping for air.

"That was nice." Noah spoke up blushing. Why did he say that?

Kiara let out a small laugh. "Well I need to go." Kiara turned around.

"Wait but what just happened there?" Noah asked confused.

"Noah I don't know what happened there but we both know it won't work like all the other times. I'm sorry." Kiara shrugged. She had felt guilty after that kiss.

"It's fine. Bye Kiara." This time Noah had actually closed the door and walked away from it. His heart had sunk down to his stomach. But he didn't want to show he was hurting. Joining his siblings who had moved into the sitting room, who were looking for a movie to watch.

Cameron tapped his shoulder. Noah turned his attention to his little sister. "Don't worry you don't need another girl. You have me."

Noah smiled at his little sister. Cameron was right all he needed was her. Noah wrapped his big arms around her placing a kiss on the top of Camerons head. And he woukd be the only boy in her life. Well including her brothers. He still yet to figure out how to get rid of the twins especially Dylan.


An hour later they all sat around the TV watching a movie. Cameron had her chocolate bar in hand and a hot water bottle on her stomach as she cuddled up against Noah.

It had been a long day for everyone. The front door opened and in walked Owen.

"Hey guys. What did I miss?" Owen questioned as he came in.

There we go bonus Chapter 2..

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I can't believe Cameron is growing up. Her first period!!


Thank you for reading. Don't forget to vote and comment..


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