Home Sweet Home

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Third POV
After 24 straight hours of driving, Stiles finally pulls in front of the bunker. The moon hang high in the sky and the crickets sang in the bushes. Pulling his bag from the back seat he makes his way to the door, hesitating before pushing it open.
It hadn't changed from the last time he'd seen it. The map table still sat in the middle of the front room with its chairs neatly tucked in. Making his way down the stairs, he plopped his bag on the library's table looking around. Running his hand over the spines of the lore books, he scans the only place he every truly considered home.
"Hello." Spinning fast enough to give himself whiplash, stiles draws his gun and points it at the unknown voice.
"Who the hell are you?" He questions finally analyzing the strangers features. He looked about the same age as Stiles. He had light brown hair, almost a dirty blonde, and pale skin. His golden eyes seemed almost pure and innocent but Stiles knew better.
"My names Jack." He smiled. The boy looked small yet felt powerful. Stile could feel the power radiating from him and it put him into shock.
"Your like me... how are you like me?" Stiles question only seemed to confuse Jack more, his head tilt to the side slightly. This causes stiles to flinch, seeing the smiling action his father use to do when he was confused. With a spark of anger, Stiles cocks his gun.
"I don't understand." He says, confused.
"How are you here? I'm the only nephilim so where did you come from?" Stiles' screams, his rage taking over at the reminder of his recently deceased father.
The sound of shouting pulls dean from his sleep. Rushing out with his gun in hand, he sees his son fuming as he aims his gun at Jack.
"Stiles!" Dean calls frantically. Just as Dean calls for his son, Sam rushes through the door to see the chaos that was unfolding.
"Dad what's going on? Who is this? Why is he like me?" The question shooting from stiles mouth coming so fast they were almost hard to catch.
"I'll explain everything right now alright? But first I need you to put the gun away." Sam tried reasoning with his nephew. This was the brothers first time seeing the youngest Winchester in two years and what they saw hurt them both deeply. Stiles hair was a mess like he was constantly running his finger through it, his eye bags were so deep it looked as if his eyes had sunken into his skull. His once lightly tanned skin now a sick shade of white, and he looked to skinny for it to be healthy.
With a nod from his dad Stiles pockets his gun. Jack was still standing, smiling at him as if he wasn't just held at gun point. As much as he tried not to, Stiles couldn't help but admire how attractive the boy was. His eyes were literally golden like honey in the sun, and his skin was lightly tanned, almost as if he was pulled out of the sun just as he was starting to gain some color. With a quite shake of the head, he cleared his mind of those thoughts and grabbed a glass along with the whiskey and took a seat.
Stiles POV
"You failed to mention the puppy you adopted on the phone." I sigh after taking a nice long sip from my glass. With a snort, my dad and uncle grab a seat across from me. Making grabby hands at the liquor bottle I slide it over to my dad.
"Well he's more like a stray that we were forced to take in." His dad jokes, pouring himself some alcohol. My uncle sat silently watching me, before motioning for Jack to take a seat beside me.
"Stiles, this is Jack... Lucifer son." That was all it took for my eyes to flash blue and Jack to end up on the wall beside the telescope. My arm pushed against the boys throat, blocking any and all oxygen from his lungs.
"STILES!" My dad yelled causing my actions to falter. My dad never yells at me like that, but I can deal with the repercussions later, his dad killed mine.
"Why are you here?! Why aren't you dead?!" I screamed in his face. The tears running down my cheeks attacking out of nowhere.
"I thought Lucifer was dead, why would you let him live after what Lucifer did to pops? He killed him! He took him from us!" I screamed pushing my arm deeper into the nephilim's throat. His face was now bright red as he struggled to get air in his lungs.
"MIECZYSLAW, LET HIM GO!" Hearing my dad use my birth name forces me to release the boy instantly. Collapsing to the floor he gasps for air as my uncle helps him back over to the table to sit.
"Stiles.." my dad calls me, inching over slowly. The tears continue rolling down my cheeks like rivers as I watch my uncle care for Jack. Placing a hand on my jaw, my dad forced me to face him. There's nothing but concern and sadness swarming his green eyes as he wipes my tears.
"Stiles listen to me. Lucifer is dead, okay? Lucifer stabbed pops with an angel blade, then your grandma tackled his ass into another dimension. He's gone." Pulling me into his chest, I let out a loud sob as he runs his hand through my hair, trying to calm me.
"It'll be okay Sti. It'll be alright." He whispered. That however, didn't seem to stop the violent tears that were soaking his pajama shirt. Gripping him tight, with the slight childish fear that if I let go my dad would disappear to, I whimpered into him. With the reality that my father has died looming over my head.
My dads hands continue to run through my hair as I feel him kiss my temple. It was when he does this that I can feel his tears dripping on my face.

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