"Pops is gone Sti"

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Stiles POV
"Mr. Stilinski, if you are not going to pay attention then don't bother coming to class!" Coach sighed in exasperation. Not being able to really focus or care about what the man is saying I give a curt nod.
It's been 2 weeks since everything with the stupid fox spirit has gone down and everything's a mess. Even without the fox my grip on reality hasn't yet returned, the nightmares are worse then ever, and to top it off everyone hates me. Understandably so, I mean I did kill a lot of people, but I didn't mean to! I didn't want to do it! Lydia's the only one that seems to get that.
The past couple of weeks have been exhausting, I've been trying everything I could think of to fix everything but nothing seems to work. Plus, I can't ask my dad's or Uncle Sammy, their to busy trying to stop Lucifer, because of this I haven't heard from them much. Just a few text telling me their still alive when they can.
"Stiles?" The red head calls softly. Looking up, I see Lydia standing over me with a concerned yet expecting look.
"Class is over. You okay?" I can't stand the way she looks at me. The same way everyone looks at me. With caution and concern, but not for me, their scared I'll break any minute and become the Nogitsune again. Like I'm a monster about to break out of its cage.
"Right, yeah sorry I was thinking." I flash her a tight smile, which is thankfully enough to appease her. Nodding she waved and walks out the door for lunch. With reluctance, I pack all my stuff and follow her out the door then make a b-line for my locker.
Shoving all my books in the metal closet, I glance at the pictures posted on the back wall. The first one was of me, dad, pops, and uncle Sammy when I was 10. It was my birthday and dad insisted on taking me to get the best burger in the world, we ended up at a little cafe in North Carolina. Dad and uncle Sammy were arguing about how eating burgers was for my health, while pops was just smiling at them.
The next one was of me and pops at a fair for the first time. I was 7 and Uncle Sam and dad had a case in the area. I begged for hours to go and they finally agreed as long as I stayed close to pops at all times and kept a small vial of holy water, and a silver pocket knife with me. It was pop's first time at the fair to so we went on every ride and played every game. The picture showed me on pop's shoulders, holding the little moose he won me.
Finally, the last photo was of me and dad. He was teaching me to drive for the first time. I was 14 and he said that all Winchester's should know how to drive. So he took me out to an empty road by the bunker, he settled in the passengers seat and just told me to drive. It was a disaster for about 2 hours, till I finally got a hang of it. I could see the fear for his car in his eyes as he smiles faintly for the camera.
Chuckling softly I grab my books for my last last two classes.
"Stiles?" Jumping slightly, I turn to see Scott stand a few feet away from me with his hands tucked in his pockets and a scared look on his face. Letting out a tired sigh, I turn to him, closing my locker.
"What's up Scott? Everything okay?" As much as I wanted to hate him for how he was treating me, I understand. I killed the first girl he ever loved. There was no simply getting over that. With a slight grimace, he meets my eyes.
"I'm sorry, but I think for you and for us. It would be better if you weren't apart of the pack anymore. It's just... after Allison, we all needs some time from-" he started.
"Me. You all need some time from me." I finish. He flinched at how harsh my voice came out but I didn't care. I've given everything to the pack, and they don't even care. And I get it, with Allison, I get needing time to mourn and I get needing some space from me for a little bit. However, it's been two weeks since any of them have looked at me or spoken to me, and now their kicking me out of the pack.
"Yeah... alright then. Whatever you want Scotty." Flashing him a tight smile, I make my way to the front of the school to find my Jeep.
I just want to go home to my parents. The only reason I'm here in the first place was because dad and pops went to purgatory and Uncle Sam said I needed to be safe and looked after while he searched for them when I was 10. Since then I've only had visits every now and then. I miss my family.
Hopping in Roscoe, i through my stuff in the passengers seat and take off to Grampa Noah's house. Once I pull into the drive way I race up to my rooms, flop on my bed, and pull out my phone.
"Dad?" I call out when I hear the like pick up. I hear shuffling in the background, then a door shut.
"Hey bud," At hearing his voice, I can't fight the smile that makes it's way to my face.
"Hey! How are you guys, did you beat the big bad satan?" I ask, he lets out a little chuckle which calms me before I hear him sigh. My smile instantly drops and I move to sit up on my bed.
"What's wrong, what happened?" The silence created a fearful tension between the two of us.
"Listen Sti..." he started and I could hear him trying not to tear up, causing my anxiety to start running.
"Pops, he... Lucifer got him.." he whispered. My head rang as tears began to make their way down my cheeks. My dads sniffles and silent sobs were audible through the phone but I could tell he was trying to hide it.
"What?" The reality of his words having yet to sink in.
"Pops is gone Sti," his voice was sad but gentle, yet still strong. Though, that didn't keep me from losing it. A sob fights it's way from my throat as I seemingly forget how to breath. My mind flashed to the last time I saw him. It during my last visit when I was 14, after dad taught me to drive pops took me out to train me. Being a nephilim wasn't easy with all the constant angel coming to kill you, so my parents thought I should know how to defend myself.
He took me to a small clearing in the forest by the bunker where you could get a great view of the stars.
"Stiles?" He called gently. Turning to look at him, he wore his usual tench coat and blue tie, but had one of his rare smiles on as well. This caused me to smile immediately at the sight.
"Yeah?" Walking over, he pulls me into a hug, just holding me for a bit. When he pulls away he tilts his head back to face the sky.
"I know means your father and I are always busy and we don't always get to see you or teach you the things we'd like." I could see the tension in his shoulders as he acknowledges our separation.
"But we are work hard to bring you home. In the mean time however, make friends, get good grades in school, go out, have fun. You dad, your uncle and I never wanted you to become a hunter. We wanted you to have a normal, safe life, and thanks to Noah your getting it. I know it's not ideal, trust me we want you here with us. But till then, just know that we are proud of you and we want you to have as much fun and be as normal as possible. Can you do that for us?" His shoulders relaxed as he flashed me his smile.
"Stile? Sti? Come on buddy, I need you to breath for me!" My dad cries through the phone. The panic and fear running through him making his way through the device.
"Dad?" I called through short breathes.
"That's it buddy, you gotta breathe for me alright? You can do it, just like me and pop showed you okay?" With that I take in a deep breathe before letting it out shakily. Continuing this several times, my breathing slows back down in a matter of minutes.
"Dad?" I try once again. Hearing me he lets out a relieved sigh.
"Yeah bud, I'm right here." He replied.
" I wanna come home." This provoked silence from the older man. From his breathing I could tell he was still there, but that was all I heard.
"Stiles," he tried, but I cut him off.
"Dad it's been 2 years since I've been home. Pops is- pops is dead. I need to come home. I'm not asking."I told him, my voice wavering a bit when I mention pops. Cursing under his breath I could hear and see the exhaustion rolling off him.
"Alright, come home Sti."

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