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Once Jeongguk has parked, they get out of the car and make their way into the building. Their fingers are intertwined and Jimin is trailing from behind, but closely. He wonders how Taehyung is doing. It's been awhile since he's seen him and Namjoon - Hoseok, even. The man responsible for such a riveting possibility.

The open sexual acts don't effect Jimin, anymore. The clear, crisp sound of whipping and moaning is something he has gotten used to. But even then, if he imagines him and Jeongguk in the same situation, it's entirely different. Something he can't seem to get enough of.

"There will be preparations before our show, Darling." Jeongguk opens the door to his office and Jimin enters first. As soon as it closes, his back is pulled gently into a chest and arms snake around his waist. Lips drag over his ear.

"What kind of preparations?" Jimin asks, breaking into a smile, stimulated by the ticklish feeling of Jeongguk's nose against his nape.

"They'll set the stage, beautiful boy. There will be plenty of toys for me to use on you. How does that sound?" Jimin gasps once he's pulled flush against Jeongguk, his ass hits his crotch and his face flushes with arousal.

"B-blood..." Jimin mumbles. He turns around and he looks up at Jeongguk with lidded eyes, pulling him down close by coiling his small fingers through his blond hair. "Can I...?" he asks timidly.

"You want another little taste, Darling?" Jeongguk husks, molding his fingertips into Jimin's hips.

"P-please." Jimin gasps as he's hoisted into the air. He wraps his legs around Jeongguk's waist and nuzzles into his neck, anticipation growing when the sound of crashing from behind ensues. He's placed on top of the blond's office desk, his thighs part as Jeongguk slots himself between them.

"How badly do you want it, Min?" Jeongguk drawls against his lips, smirking. His fingers move beneath the rips in Jimin's jeans.

"Master, please. Give it to me." Jimin shifts against the desk, closer to Jeongguk. He's held in place by his upper thighs, blinking at the blond, silently begging for his craving to be placated.

Doubling over his desk, Jeongguk locates the switch blade that's sitting in his uppermost drawer. As soon as he's facing Jimin once more, he pops the blade open and slowly drags it down his neck, watching his eyes flutter with ungovernable anticipation.

As Jeongguk brings the knife back and runs it smoothly over his forefinger, Jimin watches the action with focused eyes as the skin breaks and as blood bubbles over the surface. He whines, reaching out for the blond's hand.

Once the blood reaches Jimin's tongue, he moans. He sucks on Jeongguk's fingers intently while the man examines him with pleased eyes and a shifting hand.

The button of Jimin's jeans are popped open and the zipper is pulled down leisurely. Jeongguk slowly inserts his free hand beneath his underwear, toying with his shaft. He begins to pump it and Jimin mumbles incoherently around the finger, visibly experiencing bliss and a blown out, lustful haze.

Jimin's tongue curls over the finger and dips into the split skin. His body thrums with a taste so undeniably good, it makes his limbs go weak and his mind blank. All that he can focus on right now is the iron spreading over the base of his tongue. The way Jeongguk's hand shifts flawlessly, up and down his throbbing cock.

"You're doing so good, beautiful boy. You sound so pretty. So loud." Jeongguk's lips drag over Jimin's ear slowly, spurring him on, edging him closer to his release.

"M-Master, please." Jimin is hardly audible with the finger in his mouth, but the look on his pink face gives away his intentions. He ruts his hips lazily into Jeongguk's hand while he proceeds to suck on his finger, dragging out every last pinch of blood that he can.

HELLO, DARLING | JIKOOK ✔Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin