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Jimin has spent the rest of the day, wide awake, still half naked and sitting in bed without moving. His cupid's bow is taut, painted over with dried blood and the bed sheets are spotted with the crimson bleeding from his palms. It's now ten at night and he hasn't heard from Jeongguk all day, nor has he tried to contact him. Even if such a thing happened, his phone is most likely left somewhere on the living room floor.

His eyes weigh down when suddenly the front door is pulled open. Jimin's heart starts to thrum and he pales. Skin perspiring, he balls up a smaller blanket lain over the foot of the bed and wraps himself up. He hurries into the closet and shuts it behind him. He's not going through this. Not again.

The bedroom door is pushed open very softly. There's a terrifying creak, driving Jimin to sink his teeth down onto his thumb. His main goal is to silence his breathing, but it becomes that much harder when feet stop on the other side of the closet door. The knob twists and he whimpers quietly, driving himself further into the corner, hoping that somehow, in some way, the wall will swallow him whole.

Jimin's eyes hammer shut and he ducks his face into his knees as the closet door is pulled open. Trembling in fear, he's waiting to be pinned down and devoured once the footsteps draw near, and halt right before him. He doesn't look up, he can't look up because he's afraid to see Daeshim once again.

But the expected impact never comes. And instead there are gentle fingers carding through his black hair, moving tenderly over his scalp. Slowly, Jimin lifts his head and finds that Jeongguk is the one in his presence. The tears he had tried so desperately to keep at bay now fall in relief as he dives in, wrapping his arms around the blond.

Jeongguk's hands run over his bare bottom briefly, carefully, and roam up his backside until his arms circle around his middle. Jimin cries quietly into the crook of his neck, being lifted. The blanket falls off of him and his immodesty does little to bother him as he's carried gently to the bed. Jeongguk sits down and Jimin is straddling him, held securely with hands placed on his waist.

A ginger finger brushes at his chin. He removes his face from the crook of Jeongguk's neck and looks him in his eyes, sniffling. The man is inspecting his condition thoroughly, running his thumb over his top lip, scanning his palms, rotating them in his hold when he's given the opportunity.

Jimin can tell that he's angry, because the emotion is seen clear as day in his eyes. But he isn't explosive. Rather than blowing up, he's handling his submissive like a dainty flower, pushing his hair behind his ear. This isn't what Jimin is used to from him - this sympathetic side. He's attentive and caring.

"What happened while I was gone? Who did this to you? How did they get in the house?" Jeongguk asks. His tranquil approach is foreign. And although he speaks like this, so kindly and so quietly, it's obvious what his intentions are.

Jimin then thinks over what Daeshim had said, despite it being a cluster-fuck of cuss words and incoherence, the fright in his voice was indication enough of just how terrifying Jeongguk can really be. He's capable of many things, and being this bad and criminal, while holding Jimin like he's the prettiest flower, is one of them.

It's because of this that he feels special. It's because he belongs to Jeongguk, has one of his collars, that he feels like the prettiest and most fucking special being on this planet. He isn't the target of Jeongguk's malice, rather his affection. He hasn't realized that he's been leaning in, ghosting his lips over his dominant's. His heart is racing and there are shivers casted over every inch of his skin. He lifts his hips slightly and Jeongguk's hands ease over his ass, massaging and pushing lightly. He moans quietly and leans forward slightly, his neck kissed at.

"...Who was it, Jimin? Tell me." Jeongguk's perfect lips drag over the junction in his neck, right over his pulsating skin.

Jeongguk's fingers are dipping between his cheeks, moving over his rim in a circular motion. He's whining quietly, pulling gently on the man's blond hair. "It w-was Daeshim," he finally murmurs.

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