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(A/N): Attempted rape.

Jimin has been bedridden for the past three days, overcoming the pain in his backside. It doesn't hurt as much as it used to but if he twists a specific way, it shoots up his spine. He's been trying to distract himself with the television, however he manages to space out and it serves as nothing more than white noise to help occupy his head, alongside his thoughts.

Instead of staring at the ceiling, Jimin turns onto his side and massages gently at his thighs and his ass, focusing on the clouds in the sky, seen through the window. Suddenly he moves his hand up to his lips and drags over them slowly, recalling his and Jeongguk's conversation before he had been fucked.

Jeongguk actually killed somebody a few nights ago. And rather than being frightened by the fact or perturbed by it, Jimin thinks about how it all happened. What he did to end the man's life, how he disposed of the body, where he dropped it. A strangled groan sounds in his throat. He shouldn't be pondering Jeongguk's murdering expertise. He should phone the police, get the authorities involved and yet oddly enough, the idea of the blond going to prison scares him more than the killing itself.

It doesn't help either that he thinks about having sex in a pool of blood, next to one of the men's dead bodies that have done him wrong. It's when Jimin begins to feel arousal in his sweats that he's realizing that over this month, he's gotten so impossibly fucked up in the head.

But the difference is is that this change excites him. He's been heeling next to Daeshim for most of his teenage years, leading into his early twenties. Perhaps he has always been like this, but his ex-boyfriend had never given him the opportunity to explore himself. His true self.

"Fuck." Jimin sits up slowly, balled up fists rubbing at his eyes. His hair is nest-like, sticking up in several directions. He doesn't doubt the possibility he's been twisting around in bed all night, searching for a comfortable position. He'd kill to have another bath with Jeongguk. To lean against his front, to feel him close like that, intimately. It seems like so long ago that they shared one, when it's only been three days. Vaguely, he can remember Jeongguk saying something, but he had been so incredibly exhausted, floating in some kind of haze, passing out before catching it.

Jimin looks out the window once more, yawning. "I should probably eat something," he mumbles to himself. He crawls out of bed, clad in one of Jeongguk's large dress shirts and a pair of loose joggers. Jimin has this inkling that the blond had left fairly early in the morning for work purposes and his suspicions are confirmed as he spots a note sitting on the marble countertop.

Had to leave early this morning for a work emergency. I hope you slept well and there is breakfast in the fridge. I won't be home until later in the night. I want you to stay home today, but if you get lonely, you can call Iseul over. Phone me before you fall asleep.

- Jeongguk

Jimin's lips pucker. Typical. He appreciates the letter but his heart hangs heavy. He crumples the letter and tosses it in the garbage, looking in the fridge for something to eat. There's a tray of freshly cut fruits and saran wrapped pancakes, ready to be warmed up. He grabs them and pops the pancakes into the microwave, grabbing a fork out of one of the drawers. He's leaning over the countertop, sending a text Iseul's way while stabbing at some strawberries. He hasn't seen her since the incident at the pub and wants to touch base with her. Even if she hasn't contacted him since then.

Thankfully she answers and agrees to come over. Jimin sends her the address and as soon as he's finished eating, he heads toward the bathroom and freshens up.

HELLO, DARLING | JIKOOK ✔Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz