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It's difficult to describe the emotions whirling in Jimin's stomach as he sits on Jeongguk's bed, staring at his thighs. His shoulders are lurched forward and the edge of his fringe grazes the bridge of his nose, provoking his nostrils to flare in response. Jeongguk's reprimand lingers in his mind and although he believes he should be intimidated by it, he can't seem to shake the excitement a potential punishment may bring.

There are plenty things Jimin has never felt while in a relationship with Daeshim, and this current weight of anticipation is no exception. His fingertips are flooding over his bare thighs, up and down the middle, over and under the sides. Not because he's afraid. But because he's in thought. And his thoughts may or may not be brought up by the sweet high of adrenaline, spurred on by this newfound courage and recklessness.

Jimin reboots his mind and replays his and Jeongguk's conversation in his head, like it's a gossamer keeping him upright, bound to snap at any given second. It's with his chest housing these feelings that suddenly his thighs tense and push together. His fingers curl inward, prodding into the plush of his palms. There's so much in store for him that he has yet to even envisage. He has given Jeongguk permission to break him - to bend him and mold him into whatever the blond desires. He has agreed to any and all of his proposals, willingly surrendering his body as if it's some orthodox object. But as he sees it, it's all worth it. As long as he gets to be juggled by none other than Jeongguk himself.

He can tell that for now, this man is going easy on him. Showing him some mercy. But in fact sitting in the same spot on the bed, not moving and with his head cranked downward, does little to satisfy his curiosities. This isn't what he envisioned. This doesn't make his heart leap out of his chest or his bones grind to dust in anticipation. He craves excitement and perhaps the rebellious side sprouting inside of him is much too large to be contained.

He can't even scroll through his phone because it's been taken away. He's sure that it's ladened with texts, missed calls and voicemails. Not only from Daeshim but also from his work. To those he's used to seeing often, it must feel as though he's just disappeared off of the face of the earth without a single trace. Strangely enough, the idea of it thrills him.

Jimin huffs quietly, slightly hoping that Jeongguk will hear it through the crack in the door. However he's met with silence and because of this reason, he pouts. He's playing with his fingers the moment Jeongguk's phone begins to vibrate against the bedside table, face up. He's chewing on his lip, gaze flitting between the device and the bathroom door. God, it's so tempting but he knows he has no right to snoop like this. But lately his curiosity has been insatiable, driving him to do things he would never typically do.

He rises from the bed, already breaking the first rule. While the bottoms of his feet ghost the carpet softly, his gaze is hinged on the bathroom. Jimin is pulling his sleeves over his hands, heart beating in his chest at an unruly pace, beckoning chills to helix down his spine. This is so completely stupid and yet his legs can't seem to stop moving. Soon Jimin is standing neck to the side table, peering down at the phone.


Jimin's eyebrows furrow. How estranged must Jeongguk be toward his own brother that the very word is his contact name? His limbs defy all that seems morally right and his arm reaches out, fingers brushing the phone's case. He just about has it in his grip when it's dropped to the floor and he's pushed onto the bed.

His breathing is quick, sparse. Jimin's hands have been pinned above his head, cranked into an uncomfortable position. Hovering over top of him is none other than Jeongguk, whose eyes bleed of peril. His eyebrows are narrow, joining together as the muscles in his jaw grind to further demonstrate his anger. All Jimin can do is look up at him with hot cheeks and a flushed complexion, embarrassed and guilty for have being caught. And this is something incredibly serious. Nothing like sneaking out of the bedroom to pour himself a bowl of cereal.

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