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This can't keep happening. Each time he's hit, Daeshim runs off and he ends up wallowing in the same place he passed out the night prior. Jimin is still curled up on the hardwood floor, tucked into the corner of a wall. He's staring blankly at the back of the couch. His gaze is barren and his complexion has fallen white over night. The clock hanging on the wall ticks evermore as the small arms move in the same direction. His time is running out on this earth. He can just feel it.

Jimin blinks and finally, he pinpoints enough energy to prop himself up against the wall. His body didn't take any hits but his limbs are stiff. His head throbs and as two of his fingers surface over the corner of his eyebrow faintly, he grimaces. Daeshim still hasn't come home yet.

He's lucky he has a couple days off because after the stunt he pulled yesterday, there's no way Jimin would be able to focus on any of his clients, which isn't fair. He treasures his job as well as the people he works with. He doesn't want to lose that part of himself when it seems like all he knows.

After some more thought, Jimin stands up. He stretches very softly, trying to loosen some of his muscles. Suddenly his phone falls out of his pant pocket and collides with the floor. He exhales, vexed while he bends over to pick it up. Jimin's first intention is to peer after the time, however a notification pops up on his screen that can't go unnoticed.

I need to speak with you. Send me your location.

Jimin stares at the text for a good five minutes, unsure of what his response should be. If Jeongguk shows up and Daeshim is around, things are not going to end well. It will be a bloodbath.

You read my text. Why aren't you replying? What did I tell you about being a good boy, Jimin?

Jimin chews on his lip. Of course he has goosebumps dimpling his skin with a mere text. He sighs quietly and decides to text back with tremulous hands.

I'm sorry. You make me nervous.

Is that so? Send me your address and I'll show you there's no reason to be nervous, Darling.

Jimin blushes. He can see the smirk on Jeongguk's face while he reads the text. His cheeks puff out slightly as his thumbs hover over top of his phone's keyboard. He finally caves and sends the man his address. For some reason, the thought of denying Jeongguk something when he asks for it gets his heart started in his chest. His thoughts thrive at wandering and so as he stands, leaning back against the wall, he thinks back on the moments he pleasured himself while tasting his own blood.

He can't help but to wonder what Jeongguk would think of it. Jimin doesn't want to simply bring it up in conversation because quite frankly, he isn't brave enough to put himself on the spot like that. He stares at both of his healing forefingers. His gaze then drops to one of his wrists - a vein. Jimin wants to feel ridiculous for thinking such a thing, but he can't. He wants Jeongguk's hands on his cock while he sucks the blood from his body. Suddenly his jeans begin to feel tighter, but there's a knock at the door which stirs him from his imagination. He swallows thickly and begins to move.

Jimin pulls the door open, paralyzed by the sight of Jeongguk standing on his doorstep. He expected his presence, but not like this. He was thinking that maybe they'd meet up in his car. But the blond headed man puts his foot in the house and soon he's standing in the entryway looking just as good as he always fucking does. He kicks the door closed softly and quirks a brow while he examines the hairdresser's state.

Jimin's face has fallen so impossibly red as he fiddles with his fingers, struggling to maintain not only eye contact with Jeongguk, but also his composure. He just imaged this man stroking him while sucking on his wrist not even ten minutes ago and here he is, simply amplifying the pressure building in the ravenette's pants.

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