Second Movement: Two Brothers

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Donis 22 Lïon 1307,

The mist had fallen, forming, with the foliage of the nearby forest, terrible silhouettes. Lowann had been there for a long time, how many hours exactly, he couldn't say. But a long time, that was for sure. He couldn't decide what attitude to take: should he enter her world again, or should he keep a low profile, now that she knew his identity? She must hate me, he thought suddenly, as everyone hates the Demis without really knowing why. It's such a common feeling. And no one cares why it's so common.

He had already felt the rift, the misunderstanding that would stealthily grow between them as he forced his way through the doors of the Council. He had continued despite this painful feeling; not that he had the choice. He had never had a choice in his life, in his destiny. It was always the case. The grey steed changed position, leaning ostensibly on Lowann's side. The man smiled as he stroked his forehead.

"I know, I know, I'll have to decide whether to go or not... Just a little more patience, just a little, please."

The steed blew loudly and moved away from his incomprehensible master. Lowann sighed in turn, closing his eyes for a moment. Around him, the night was slowly coming. The air was becoming humid, and the atmosphere took on accents of gloomy sadness.

"Narcissus... Narcissus", he repeated aloud. "Come, come to me, I implore you!"

Around him, the echo of the plains returned his order. He waited. He turned his gaze in all directions. No one was there. He waited again. Time seemed to stretch to the point of breaking. Narcissus was still not coming. Maybe he was simply not there, or maybe he still didn't want to show up. Besides, he had never answered her calls, so why should he believe he would change his ways today? Despite all his certainties, Lowann didn't want to give up, he had to see him. It might as well be that day. Since the end of the Council, he had hesitated for a long time to call him again - since he never came in the end. And yet he had to talk to him, now more than ever. Too many of his questions were unanswered. He knew, as a matter of fact, that Narcisse had the answers he was looking for. So, he had to come. Yes, he had to!

Energy and courage gave him new hope, he caught his breath and once again invoked his name:

"Narcissus, come! COME!!!" he shouted.

Still no one. What a fool he had been to believe otherwise. And, as quickly as hope had come, as quickly had it fled. Lowann took long strides, half walking, half running, shouting to anyone who would listen. Screaming at the top of his lungs. The forest had become silent, as if waiting, watching and spying on the doings of this strange man who came and went without reason in all directions. More adventurous and curious animals than the others had approached with counted steps, escaping the protective shadow, but joined it even more quickly when Lowann pretended to run in their direction. Of course, he wasn't running towards them, he hadn't even noticed them. He continued to rant and rave, stubborn and obstinate, as he rarely did.

Some mist had condensed not far from the steed and it, too, seemed to be watching him. Lowann finally stopped short of breath, out of it, his face on fire and a certain fury in his eyes. He breathed noisily, leaning forward, hands on his knees, to support himself while catching up his breath.

"I haven't been called 'Narcissus' for a long time, Lowan."

Lowan jumped. In front of him, the mist concentrated to give shape to a body. A body he knew so well.

"You are still Narcissus to me and you always will be! What has kept you so long?"

"I am not at your command, little brother", Lince said dryly.

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