You have got to be kidding me. [11]

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"Ugh... I'm a fucking mess."

She looked in the mirror only to be met with a miserable and disgusting face looking right back at her. Dark streaks of mascara streaked down her cheeks, her eyes red and puffy from the sobbing she had just finished doing in the bathroom. Her arms were shaky as she held herself up against the sink, her heart weighing heavier than normal.

"Why didn't he... say that from the start?" She muttered, recalling back on the events that happened just a measly 10 minutes ago.

"I have something serious to tell you."

His eyes bore into hers with an expression she'd never seen from him before. She'd be lying if she said she wasn't intimidated by his sudden change in mood.

She quickly swallowed her food, trying her best not to choke as she gave him a nervous smile. "What's up?"

His grip on her hand tightened, his fingers from his free hand drumming on the table in obvious hesitation, but he shook it off with the shake of his head. She was the only person that cared for him and the only person he cared about much deeper than he did other people. He couldn't keep lying to her anymore.

"I have cancer and dementia. I'm gonna die in the near coming future."

There was a pause before her eyes narrowed, leaning back in her seat to get a good look at the face of the person she grew to love. "You finally tell a joke and it's not funny at all," she said harshly, frowning deeply at him.

He chuckled at her angry expression. She'd never been so worked up around him.

"No, I'm definitely not joking, Y/N."

She remembered her whole world pausing as those words spilt from his mouth. She remembered trying to deny him over and over while her face just grew wetter from the tears that she couldn't stop from falling. She remembered sliding out of the table, not caring about the people staring as she ran into the bathroom to hide herself.

Her reflection in the mirror was horribly ugly, but she didn't care anymore. She just wanted Nagito to say "Sike!" and swipe her off her feet and run away with her into the sunset, but that wasn't going to happen. She just wanted him to be okay.

Y/N snapped out of her thoughts as she heard the door to the bathroom creak open, a loud squeak bouncing off the walls in the silence. For a second she thought Nagito had followed her into the girl's bathroom, and was about to yell at him to get out when she saw none other than Ibuki Mioda standing there, a worried look on her usually peppy face.

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