I guess we're getting right into it. [1]

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"Wow! Ibuki thinks you're super cute!"

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"Wow! Ibuki thinks you're super cute!"

Y/N definitely wasn't expecting to hear such a loud voice so early in the morning. She let out a yelp, her phone toppling out of her hands.

She waited for it to hit the ground and shatter, but no such thing happened. Much to her surprise, the small device was quickly shoved back into her face.

"Woah, there! Here you go! You're lucky Ibuki has such quick reflexes!"

She gently took the phone from the other girl's fingertips, holding it to her chest protectively. She loved her phone way too much to let something happen to it again.

"Oh! Thank you, but um... Ibuki thinks I'm cute? Who's Ibuki?" Y/N asked her with a puzzled expression.

She let out a hearty laugh, placing her fists on her hips with a large, toothy grin on her face. "Guess who? The cutie is looking at her! Ibuki Mioda, the Ultimate Musician!" After her very exaggerated introduction, she took ahold Y/N's hands and shook them vigorously, her whole body moving with her arms.

"N-Nice to meet you, Ibuki! Please calm down!" She spoke over Ibuki's infectious giggles, some of her own slipping past her lips.

She stopped shaking her hands, the big smile still plastered on her face.

"So, what's your name? Are you new? What's your talent? You look a little familiar... Has Ibuki seen you before? Ibuki is dying to know!"

Y/N pressed a finger to her chin, trying to process all the questions she was throwing at her at once.

"Alright, well, my name is Y/N L/N," She smiled at the punk girl.

"Y/N L/N..." She repeated, as if deep in thought.

"I guess you could say I'm new, but I'll only be here for a semester. I'm studying abroad, and my talent is-"

"WAIT!" Ibuki interrupted. "Hold the phone! Stop the train! Take the cookies out of the oven! You're only gonna be here for one semester?"

"Yeah..." She responded, looking down and messing with the bow on her uniform. "Sorry... It wasn't really something I could control. I just kinda got sent here."

Ibuki looked at her, her head tilted. "But... Ibuki thought the only way to get into Hope's Peak was to be scouted. Were you scouted?"

Y/N nodded her head, followed by a soft hum. "Mhm. There's a school kind of like Hope's Peak back in [country] that I attended, so I guess that's why it was so easy for me to come here."

"Woah...! Your talent must be super cool if you were scouted from a completely different
country...!" Ibuki marveled, jaw dropped and eyes sparkling.

Y/N felt her face heat up, her gaze suddenly on the floor as she avoided eye contact.

This girl is too nice...

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