I hope he doesn't steal my dog. [2]

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Y/N shut the door behind her as she finally stepped into the comforting aroma of her temporary home

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Y/N shut the door behind her as she finally stepped into the comforting aroma of her temporary home. She let out a loud, exhausted sigh, sliding down the door as her bag dropped from her hands and next to her feet on the floor.

She had to admit, she didn't think she would find the first day as chaotic as it was. After speaking with Nagito, Ibuki and her went to the café, and ended up meeting with Chiaki and Sonia, both of which she absolutely adored.

Looking up, the light from the chandelier hanging overhead and her huge windows reflected in her vision, making it nearly impossible to see with how extremely tired she was. It was just then she realized how unnecessarily big this place was.

"Man... I told them I didn't need something so overbearing." She muttered under her breath, wobbling to stand despite not wanting to whatsoever.

It was then she heard the light "pitter patter" of claws hit the floor, and out came her dog, excitedly making its way over to her.

The girl smiled, opening her arms out as the animal jumped into her embrace, kissing all over her face.

"Okay, okay! I get it, I missed you, too." She giggled, kissing the top of their nose. "Ah... I guess I have to take you out now, do I?"

She smiled, walking over to the loveseat and picking up their leash before attaching it to their harness. She internally groaned, upset that she was already leaving her home again but she knew she had to.

She grabbed her bag and placed the bottle of water she only took a sip from earlier this morning into her bag, quickly messing with her hair to deem it more presentable, before attempting to go out.

Just as she was about to turn the doorknob, a series of knocks echoed throughout the slightly empty hallway.

Her dog immediately started barking and scratching at the door, to which Y/N ignored as she opened the door, slightly pushing her pet to the side as she greeted the person standing there.

"Hi- Nagito?"

There stood the white haired boy, his fist up in there like he was about to knock again. He gave her a smile and let his hand drop to his side.

"I just came to greet my new neighbor, but I didn't know it was gonna be you." His smile grew even wider when he saw the dog behind me. "A dog!"

"Nagito, you live in this area?"

He reached his hand out to the animal, letting them sniff at his fingers to make sure he's safe. "Yep, I'm just a couple of houses down. I'm actually not at all surprised that you were the one who bought this house."

"Okay, well, let's talk a bit more about this outside. I'm taking them on a walk, would you like to join?" She asked, tilting her head.

His eyes seemed to light up at this, and he nodded. "Oh, wow! You wanna hang out with me? Really? Are you sure? Gah, I must be dreaming right now... someone like you..." He mumbled the last part to himself, his smile fading as he gently hugged himself.

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