That makes me sad... [6]

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Another day of school, another day of Y/N wanting to bang her head against the wall

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Another day of school, another day of Y/N wanting to bang her head against the wall.

Since Nagito's seat was directly next to hers, he was keen on being as close to her as possible. His desk seemed to scoot a small amount every couple of minutes, trying to make himself unnoticeable. Well, she wasn't an idiot, so she just told him to move his desk so theirs are touching.

The classroom was unusually quiet, no one wanting to break the rare moment of silence. Y/N set her pencil down and stretched her arms upwards, grunting as she cracked her back. Nagito kept looking at her, before he tore off a page out of his notebook and started quickly scribbling down words.

After a couple of minutes, she saw slender fingers push a folded piece of paper onto her desk out of the corner of her eye. It had her name written on the front in neat handwriting, along with a small smiley face.

Careful not to rip it, she gently unfolded the note, and was met with an unnecessarily long paragraph. This boy could be way too overdramatic at times.

Lovely Y/N,
I apologize that you are forced to look at my terrible handwriting. It must be pretty hard to look at, I know. I might be stepping out of line here, but I think yours is absolutely beautiful. Compared to mine, it looks like a goddess came down and blessed it herself. Anyways, I have a question. Would you like to spend some time with me at my home after school? I have a strong feeling you'll say no, but despite that I still have hope. Ah, how stupid of me. As if you'll say yes, that only happens in my dreams. Trash like me doesn't deserve your company... Anyways, you can reject my offer now, I understand. Thanks for taking precious time out of your precious day to read it.

She looked over at him, watching as he bounced his leg with a look of anticipation on his face. She rolled her eyes, flipping the note over and writing down that she accepted his invite.

She handed it back to him, and he read what it said. He gasped audibly, breaking the silence.

"Oh wow...! I never would've guessed-"

"Ugh, of course it was you, weirdo!" Hiyoko groaned, shooting a glare his way.


Nagito had a death grip on Y/N's hand, a slight pep in his step as they started their journey to his house.

"Someone's excited." She laughed, wincing at her suffering hand. He seemed to notice and he frowned.

"There I go again..." He mumbled under his breath, letting go of her entirely.

"What's wrong?" She asked, tilting her head and looking up at him.

"I hurt you. That's unforgivable." He stopped in his track and turned his gaze to her. "I understand if you don't want to come now." He said with a straight face.

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