Betty x Sweet Pea

Start from the beginning

Betty POV:

I held mango in my arms as I placed kisses on her small little head.

Betty: thank you thank you thank you. I said to Fangs and Toni.
Toni: we're really glad you like it. She smiled.

I carried mango into the truck as Sweet Pea placed the rest of her things such as her bowl, collar, food, treats and the rest into the back of his truck.

We were soon on our way home as I watched in awe as Mango had fallen asleep in my arms.

Betty: bubba look. I said as we were at a stop light. He looked over with a smile.
Sweet Pea: you're so cute. He smiled at me.
Betty: Mango is the cute one. I smiled down at her.

We arrived home and set up everything for Mango, the last thing we needed to do was decide where to put her bed.

Betty: she'll obviously sleep in our room. I said as I began walking to our room with her bed in my hands.
Sweet Pea: hold on a minute. He said as he stopped me.
Sweet Pea: what are we supposed to do when we have sex? The dog can't watch us. He said.
Betty: we move the bed outside of our room, obviously. I said.
Sweet Pea: but the dog will get use to sleeping in our room, she'll know something is up if we kick her out. I rolled my eyes playfully.
Betty: she's a puppy. She doesn't know what sex is. I laughed.
Sweet Pea: sex is a natural thing Betts. She'll learn one day. He said.
Betty: what do you suggest? I asked as I raised an eyebrow.
Sweet Pea: she can sleep in the lounge. That way she's close to her toys and food. He said.
Betty: fine. I sighed as I placed the bed in the corner of the room.

I placed mango down on her bed and got on my knees as I held her head in my hands.

Betty: mummy and daddy love you Mango. I said and then kissed her head. She laid down comfortably and closed her eyes.
Sweet Pea: seriously Betty? He said as I stood up, walking towards him.
Betty: our baby needs to know we love her. I said.
Sweet Pea: she's a dog my love. He chuckled.
Betty: shut up. I said. He raised an eyebrow at me.
Sweet Pea: excuse me? He said.
Betty: you're trying to lower my puppies self esteem. I will not stand for this. I said as I crossed my arms.
Sweet Pea: you sweet, beautiful, idiot. He said as he wrapped me up into a hug.

We went into our room and after talking for a little bit, and every now and then checking in on Mango, we called it a night.


I woke up during the middle of the night and rolled over so that I was facing Sweet Pea.

I closed my eyes and tried to fall back asleep.

A few seconds after I had closed my eyes, I heard a loud sound. It sounded too loud for Mango to be able to do by herself.

I let out a little whine as I tried to wake Sweet Pea up.

Sweet Pea: babe. He groaned as he dug his head into his pillow.
Betty: Pea there are weird sounds com- I started but stopped when I heard another sound. He sat up with a confused look on his face.
Sweet Pea: stay in here okay? He said as he pulled out a gun from under the bed.
Betty: no, I'm coming. I said.

My poor precious Mango. She's probably so scared right now.

He got up out of bed and I do too. He held out his hand for me and I grabbed it.

He kept me behind him as we walked into the lounge and he flicked on the lights, revealing someone I haven't seen in over two years.

He sat on the couch with Mango in his lap.

Sweet Pea: who the fuck are you? He said as he pointed his gun at my dad.
Hal: what, haven't told him about me Betty? He said with a chuckle. I remained silent.
Sweet Pea: answer me or I'll fucking shoot.

My dad looked Sweet Pea up and down and then let out a laugh.

Hal: You don't have the guts to shoot- He started and then Sweet Pea stopped him by shooting his leg.

Sweet Pea doesn't like when people question his authority.

Sweet Pea: babe since this loser is annoying me, who is this? He asked.
Betty: m-my dad. I said as I let go of Sweet Pea's hand and wrapped my hands around his waist.
Sweet Pea: should have told me earlier and I would have done a lot worse to this bitch. He said.
Betty: please get Mango. I said.

I unwrapped my arms from around him and he went over to my dad. He picked up Mango and placed him in my arms.

Sweet Pea: go to our room please. I did as he said.

I walked back to our room and stayed there with Mango for the next ten minutes.

Sweet Pea walked into our room and took a seat next to me, wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

Betty: what did you do? I asked.
Sweet Pea: dragged him out of the apartment, shot him some more times and whoever finds him next will deal with him. He said.
Betty: how did he even get in here Pea? I asked as I looked up at him with sad eyes.
Sweet Pea: I don't know but I'm really pissed about it. I'll sort it out tomorrow, okay? He asked and I gave a small nod.
Betty: I'm scared. I said to him. He let out a sigh.

He gently picked up mango and placed her to his side. He then pulled me into his lap and held me close and tight to his chest.

Sweet Pea: I won't let this happen again baby, I promise. He said with a sorry look.

I dug my head into his shoulder and he dropped a kiss onto my head.

Sweet Pea: you're safe with me baby. He said as I held onto him tighter.
Betty: can mango sleep with us tonight? I asked. He let out a chuckle.
Sweet Pea: okay. He smiled.

Eh, I don't know

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