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Jungkook's POV


"Yes?" two voices answered cutely as two pair of eyes looked at me straight from the dinner table, and I grinned with happiness when the two laughed looking at each other.

"Mama baby or Minji baby, dada?" our two years old little girl giggled as she asked me the question, pointing to herself and Jimin with her cute fingers.

I smiled fondly to the girl and swooped her up from her seat since she had finished eating after all, and placed her onto my lap.

"I called for mama, baby. I want to ask him about our trip to visit grandpa and grandma," kissing her chubby cheeks, I felt my heart almost bursting with love at her giggles, and I turned to Jimin who had his focus on me with a smile decorating his face.

"Is it really okay for you to leave your work for a week?" he asked, feeding Minji a piece of strawberry for our dessert and feeding me one after, since my hands were occupied with the little girl.

He kept feeding Minji and me without taking a bite himself, always putting us first compared to himself.

My selfless baby.

"Yeah, Namjoon hyung and Hoseok hyung said it's better to go now before mom and dad flew to another country and went off the radar again," munching on the sweet red fruit, I patted Minji's back as I rested her front on my chest, noticing how she had rubbed her eyes in sleepiness after a full stomach.

She liked to fall sleep on my chest a lot, just like her mama.

"Let's tuck her to bed," peeking to the girl who had a pink lips due to the strawberry's juice just now, Jimin nodded in agreement as he stood up to take our girl into his hands.

"Come here baby, let's brush our teeth and go to bed," Minji moved to her mama easily and clung her arms around Jimin’s neck, and I stood up as well to wipe her mouth with wet tissue before she wipe her mouth with Jimin’s pajama.

"Mama, pwrincess story" blinking slowly showing her long eyelashes that decorated her pretty eyes, both of us cooed at her cuteness as she rested her cheek on Jimin’s chest, making her cheek squished.

"Of course, honey. Mama will read you your favorite bedtime story," Jimin answered, softly tidying our daughter's hair and gave a small peck on her little forehead.

Staring at my two loves interacting with each other made my heart thumped fast, loving the two of them more and more every second.

"Babe," softly calling Jimin as Minji buried her face on his chest, already falling asleep on her mother, I took a piece of strawberry and bite it at the end of my teeth.

As Jimin turned his head to look at me, I quickly cupped his jaw and transferred the strawberry into his sexily parted mouth.

"Mmphh," Jimin gripped my shirt as I pushed my tongue inside his mouth, and I was loving the taste of him and the strawberry together.

I supported Minji's weight together with Jimin's as I pulled both of them into my arms, and only let go after the strawberry were gone from my omega's mouth.

Looking at Jimin softly panting after the kiss made me smirk, proud that he had now shifted his weight on me due to the loss of strength in his feet.


"Jungkook, what are you doing?!" he whisper shouted with red face, and I smirked as I peeked towards Minji who was already napping by now.

"Feeding you strawberry. You didn't have your fill yet," shrugging my shoulders, Jimin rolled his eyes but still licked and bit his lips that was stained with the juice earlier, throwing me seductive glances.

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