Part 13

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Jimin’s POV

"Mom, can I talk to you about Jungkook?" I approached mom after Jungkook went with dad to a hardware shop to buy some wooden pieces for his project at the house backyard.

Dad's officially charmed by Jungkook too.

When the boy helped him with all the repair works at home, he was beyond happy and even told the boy to teach him, saying that the handyman he always called was so lazy and started charging him at ridiculous price and all.

"What is it, honey?" mom was currently reading some book, enjoying her leisure time after tending her flowers.

"What do you think about him?" I asked straight, knowing that mom knew who I was talking about.

"He's handsome," she said without removing her eyes from her book and I rolled my eyes as I took my seat.

"No, I mean yes, he is handsome but that's not what I mean. What do you see in Jungkook, mom?" supporting my face in my palm as I rested my elbow on the small table in between us, mom stopped reading and put down her book before she looked at me.

"I see him as a good man. I saw how he treated you, honey. And I think he is trying his best," she told honest, and I was remembered the time Jungkook asked for another chance.

"Should I give him a chance?" asking mom, she tilted her head cutely before she cupped her face with one of her palms.

"To be in your life? Or for the baby?" she blinked cutely, but her vouce laced with seriousness, and I bit my bottom lip as I thought of a reply.

"Uh - both?" I said in questioning tone, not sure about it either.

"Will that make you happy?" she took my hands in hers and played with my fingers, that being her hobby whenever she saw my cute fingers.

"I don't know," letting mom held my hand since I had always loved the sense of security being in mom's protection, I pulled my chair closer to mom before landing my head on her shoulder.

"What do you feel when he's here with us? All giddy in your heart? Or only stress?" mom played with my hair like she used to whenever I was going to be, and I shook my head at the last question.

"It's not stress, but I'm not convinced about his sincerity in wanting to be with us," telling my my worry, I felt mom's comforting pat on my back as she kissed my temple.

"Jimin, I do not know if your dad was serious about me when we met too. It's a risk, honey. A risk that I made, and look at us now. We're happy, aren't we?" she said happily, and I knew she was smiling bright even though I didn't lift up my face to look at her.

"Well, you and dad are always in love. That's different. With Jungkook, it's only me who's in love with him, it's one sided," sighing, I removed my head from mom's shoulder and landed on my arms instead, that was spread on the table in front of me.

Tilting my head and pouted to my mom, she pinched my pout before letting go with a grin on her face.

"You sure? I think that young man had sparkles in his eyes just like your dad's when he looked at me," she asked with such mischief in her voice, and I rolled my eyes at her thought.

"No, mom. That's just nonsense now,"

"Whatever floats your boat. But I think Mr. CEO is serious though. Look at how he didn't complain about having to sleep on the couch just to stay here," she told, and I grumbled at the truth she said.

Why didn't he go and find hotels to stay?

"We should've have a guest room if you decided to throw all my belongings since I was baby, mom" putting the blame on mom for the guilty I felt for not letting Jungkook sleep in my room, mom gasped with exaggerated widened eyes as she stared at me.

"Oh my, how could I forgot about that?! I'll show all of them to Jungkook later,"

"Mom! Don't, please. I beg youuu," blinking my eyes repeatedly at her, I was hoping that she'd still fell for my cuteness that I learned to master from her.

"Or maybe he found them already? He did asked to tidy up the boxes in the room yesterday," she had her index finger on her cheek and scrunched her nose, and I felt my blood drained from my face.

"He what?! And you just let him?" I exclaimed, and suddenly realized how few the number of times I saw him yesterday.

So, he was cooped up in the room.

"It's free room cleaning service, honey. Of course I'd agree," she waved her hand like she didn't really care about them, and I sighed at this version of my mom.

A devil in angel's disguise.

"Mom, you should stop taking advantage of him. That's just devious," telling her the truth, I heard the engine of dad's car coming into the porch but decided to focus on mom, but she's just teasing me at her next word.

"Ooo, protective over baby dada is it?" she smiled mischievously as she raised her eyebrows multiple times and stared at me, and I felt my cheeks heating up at her tease.


"We're home!" dad's voice was heard from the front door and I decided to run away from the evil lady that was still fully immersed in her role.

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