37. Prepare

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The following morning, Darren and I had breakfast together after another long fucking session. He informed me that the Russians would arrive around 1 p.m. to fix my nail and fill in the rest as well as trim my hair. I tried hard not to smile at the sweet smell of victory knowing my manipulation could still work.

I asked if I could pick the color again, but this time, he said no. Apparently, he didn't care too much for the dark blood red color I chose last time. Darren also confirmed that nothing in my schedule would change while he was gone. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner would still be at the same times, and I was to listen to the guards unless I wanted to spend the remainder of his absence in my room. I was to be in bed by eleven, and he forbade me to use his gym until my hands healed. Too bad I had the slowest healing skin ever. It was my stupid porcelain pigmentation.

But it didn't really matter. After today, he probably wouldn't allow me to do anything ever again.

When breakfast was finished, Darren stood, buttoning his suit jacket and reaching out for my hand. I reluctantly took it, and he swiftly pulled me from my chair to him. He looked down at me with a serious look in his eyes, and it almost made me retreat into myself, but I refused to show it. Darren then took my face in his hands and kissed me. I could sense the anxiety in his kiss as this would be the first time he would be gone for this amount of time. A lot could happen in three days, and I was going to make sure of it.

When he released me, an intense glare emanated from his eyes.

"Please, behave yourself, Jaden," he practically pleaded. "Because if you try anything while I'm gone, I swear to God ..." He let it waver for a second and continued on, shaking his head. "If you think I'm bad now, you have no idea how much worse it will get should you try anything foolish. Do not disappoint me," he finished.

None of this was a surprise and my mind was already prepared for it. What it wasn't prepared for was the loss of my family.

"I understand," I finally answered.

"Good girl," he approved, placing his lips against my temple.

He finally kissed the top of my head and pulled back. "I'll see you in three days," he said and then walked out the door.

And as soon as I heard the door shut behind him, I released a gigantic breath of relief. Come nightfall, I would be the fuck out of here. I felt all my anxiety begin to build inside of me, and I needed to get a hold of my nerves before they destroyed me. I had a couple of hours before the Russians would be here, and since Darren had uplifted my ban on going outside, I went for a run on the beach to clear my head.

I ran until I could hear my heartbeat drumming away in my ears. My blood was rushing, and I felt myself begin to panic. What if I failed? What if I got caught before I managed to get my message out? I didn't even want to think about how bad it could get then.

To cool myself off, I literally just plopped myself in the water and floated over the sand. I pulled my ponytail out and let my hair flow through the water, my wet strands now floating around my face. The water felt perfect as it cooled down my core temperature and relaxed my anxiety.

My body drifted along the shore with the water. As it pushed me toward the sand and pulled me back into the waves, I closed my eyes to listen to the sound of the ocean and the birds above me. I was calm, peaceful, and ready for what had to be done. But after a few minutes of pure serenity, I was interrupted.

"Miss Jaden!" I heard one the guards call out to me. "You are not wearing proper swim attire! Please exit the water!"

Say what? I actually had to be in a bathing suit to go swimming? Since the fuck when?

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