I sighed. "Well, maybe we can go there and see if we can find anything." He nodded. "Alright! Shouldn't be far from here! I'll get us there!" He floated behind me and grabbed my shoulders again, then snapped his fingers, teleporting us away.

I looked around, as we were in a small town. I heard a woman scream as a man ran off with her purse. There were stray animals everywhere and the place was basically falling apart. The air was dusty. Dimentio whispered to me in a low voice. "Okay, try not to draw any attention. People here aren't exactly...the nicest." I nodded, then started walking. "So, what's the plan?" Dimentio shrugged. "Find someone who knows about the legend. See if it's true. Then go from there."

"HEY!" A man's voice called from behind us. We both turned around to see a man staring at us. "You two! You're the unstable plumber and the psycho clown." Dimentio gave a disappointed look.

 "A Psycho Clown? Me? Pffft"

 I stepped back. This wasn't good. The man continued. "The Princess of the Mushroom Kingdom is offering a lot of money for you two." I stepped back some more. "W-we don't want any trouble." Dimentio crossed his arms and smiled. "Wow, that was fast. It's been what, an hour, and they've already got a bounty on our heads?"

The man stepped even closer, and pulled out a lead pipe. "Whoa, whoa, n-no need to get violent," I stuttered, raising my hands and stepping back even faster. Dimentio kept rambling, "And was that seriously how they described me? Psycho Clown? How dull." I looked over and shushed him. He rolled his eyes at me. "Oh, relax. I can teleport, they're not gonna catch us."

Suddenly another man jumped up behind him and yelled, "GOT YOU!" Dimentio started squirming. "Hey, unhand me!" I jumped back in shock, then ran and tried grabbing Dimentio back. Dimentio huffed, "You know, that was perfect timing. It was like you were literally waiting there for me to say that" "DIMENTIO, FOCUS!" I said. He rolled his eyes. "If you want me to focus, then maybe get this lunatic off me!"

I grabbed his foot and started pulling, the man was holding one of his arms. It was like a weird game of tug-a-war. "Give me, him!" I said, pulling as hard as I could. Dimentio chuckled. "Now, now, boys. There's plenty of me to go around." I rolled my eyes. Then, the other man let go, causing me and Dimentio to tumble backwards. "Yes! I WON!" I said, smiling a little. Dimentio fell on top of me. He looked into my eyes, then smirked. "Great, good job. Now let's go." He was about to snap his fingers, when the first man cleared his throat. Dimentio and I, still lying like that, slowly looked up. He was towering over us, holding a lead pipe in one hand, and a weird taser looking thing in the other.

I slowly sat up. Dimentio scurried off of me and stepped back. I cleared my throat. "Listen. We don't want any trouble." I said, slowly standing up, my hands in the air. The man laughed. "Well, then you came to the wrong town." He then turned and jabbed his taser into Dimentio, causing him to drop to his knees and yell out in pain. I quickly gasped. "DIMENTIO!" Then the man swung his lead pipe for my head. I quickly ducked to dodge the attack. "Dimentio?? Are you okay??" Dimentio, clearly in pain, stood up. "Yeah. Fit as a fiddle." He said through his teeth. I grabbed him. "Just teleport us away! NOW!" He nodded, then raised his hand and snapped.


"What?" He said, snapping again. A worried expression spread across my face. "What, what's wrong?? Why aren't we teleporting??" He continued to snap. "I don't know! It must have been that taser. I think it temporarily drained my magic." I groaned, when the man stepped and swung his lead pipe for us again. 

"Forget this, we're running." I said, grabbing his hand and pulling him behind me.

I could hear footsteps behind me, so I knew we were being chased. I was running though the town, Dimentio right behind me. I saw an alleyway, and quickly dove in. "Shhhh." I told Dimentio, placing my hand over his mouth. I could tell he didn't like this, but I didn't care at that moment in time. We listened as the people ran by. I sighed when I could no longer hear their footsteps.

"I think we lost them." I said. Suddenly, Dimentio licked my hand. "Ewww! What was that for?!" I said, shaking my hand in the air. He glared back. "That's what you get for shushing me and putting your nasty hand over my mouth!" I rolled my eyes. "I don't remember you being this annoying!" He laughed. "Well, you and I didn't spend much time together. If you asked Mr. L, he would tell you how annoying I am." Dimentio beamed. I rolled my eyes. "That wasn't meant as a compliment."

I heard more people walk past the alleyway and quickly ducked down again. I looked down, feeling regretful. "....Am I a criminal?" I asked. Dimentio smiled. "No, no. You're just on the run." I closed my eyes. "On the run...." Dimentio elbowed me. "Hey, chin up. It'll be fun." I looked into his mismatched eyes. "No way the people back home are gonna ever trust me after this. But that doesn't matter." I looked away.

"As long as I get Mario back, I'm happy."

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