♥13♥ Am I out of the loop yet?

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Kirishima Eijirou wandered in the darkness of his own dream. What was he seeing? He could see a cage in front of him. It was big enough to put a big dog inside of it but something told him what's inside was more sinister than a dog. He had a very bad feeling about it; whatever was locked in there was in there for a good reason. He approached it but he was met with hostility when he got too close. Something or someone tried to reach out to him. He jumped back and slipped onto his backside when he got out of the way of the hand's reach.

"What the...?!" He was seeing himself inside the cage. The Kirishima Eijirou inside of the cage was shaking the bars and spouting incoherent sentences. He kept calling for Ranfa and he kept saying something about the loop. "W-what...?" 

"Let me out! I want out! Ranfa! Ranfa! Ranfaaaa!!!!" 

The Kirishima inside of the cage was freaking out the Kirishima from outside of the cage. What was that thing? Was this just a bad dream? Or was it a warning that he will be the one to hurt Ranfa? No. No! He couldn't accept that! 

"Let me out! I want to protect Ranfa...! The current you is too weak! You cannot do it, Kirishima!" 

"W-who are you...?" Kirishima doesn't know who this was. 

"I'm the only one who can protect Ranfa."

The bars on the cage look very rusty. How long will it hold that Kirishima in the cage for- 

"Kirishima, wake up!" 

"Uwah!" Kirishima sat up from his bed and he saw Ranfa in a long white shirt with a pinafore black skirt on. Being able to see her after a long night sleep, it was like a dream come true. For Kirishima who had his own memories as well as memories from beyond time, it was happiness in its simplest form. He had to admit, she looked good in modern clothings and he really liked that about her. "Uh...why are you in my room, Ranfa?" 

Ranfa's living in the 1-A dorm. She's attending U.A. High School as a special student on a special program. Her timetable's different from the rest of the students because she grew up from another place so she needed to relearn things and get an education like the others since she's at the age where she should still be in school. Even though she's a Hero back on Shiranui Island, she's not allowed to act as a Hero here in Japan. If she's aiming to be a Hero, she must get a license and follow the law. 

Shiranui Island opening its borders for the world meant they needed to heed to the international law too. One of the things Ranfa noticed about the Heroes outside of Shiranui Island were they put civilians first before defeating the villains whereas on Shiranui Island, killing the villain always came first before rescuing anyone. Ranfa wondered if that was a good idea; even if you save a civilian first, the villain's still a problem and they will take advantage of that fact just to get away. She wondered how well she will do at her new home but she was willing to take on the challenge because Kirishima was here and he promised he will be there for her. 

"I'm here because you promised me to go on a date." 

"Oh yeah! I did! Let me get changed!" He was about to remove his shirt in front of her but then he stopped. "Uh...do you mind going out first?" 

"No, I can just wait here." 

"Ranfa, it's not a good idea for a guy to get changed in front of a girl." 

"Why not? It's not like you're going to reveal your dick to me. Just hurry the hell up." 

"That's not the point- it's just not a good idea!" 

Ranfa doesn't get it. "Is it because I got changed without you looking first?" 

"No! What customs do you think we have?! J-just turn around!" 

♥Rewrite: Unbreakable♥Kirishima Eijirou♥BNHA♥Where stories live. Discover now