♥05♥ Traitor

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It's raining. The weather was terrible just like the current situation at hand. Homura fought tooth and nail to keep Masamune alive and to escape Shiranai Island and back to Shiranui. He's supporting his chief back but he's bleeding from various cuts and his body was burning up due to overheating from his fiery Quirk. 

Escaping was very difficult; 49 Heroes from Shiranui Island came at them at the same time. Homura was confident in his skills and his Quirk but he barely escaped with his life intact.

"Homura, I'm sorry." 

"No, it's not your fault. I didn't think Ranfa would betray us." The fact Ranfa decided to join the enemy made the situation go from bad to worst; she had the highest kill count and she's the last person to hesitate when it came to doing a kill! She could kill a human as easily like a monster. Homura sighed, "This is bad. Even I can't defeat Ranfa in a one on one." 

"Homura, there's something you have to do. Only you can pull it off." 

"Huh? Only I can pull off?" 

"Yes. I didn't want to resort to this but we have no choice." 

"Masamune-san, I got it! Whatever it is you need me to do, I will do it!" 

"I will ask for U.A. to help us. I want you to stall Ranfa if she comes." 


"She will come. Homura, whatever happens, don't die." Masamune touched Homura's shoulder, "I am counting on you." 

"Masamune-san, you raised both Ranfa and I. Whatever you ask me to do, I will do it. Leave it to me!" And so they both went their separate ways. 

There's no time to waste, Masamune needed to hurry! 

Ranfa was with Arua and the others. The other Heroes didn't seem to trust Ranfa even though they're all on the same boat. They were all weary of her and even though Ranfa betrayed Masamune and Homura in front of them, it was not good enough for them. 

"Now, now, there's no need to get worked up." Arua said while enjoying tea. She couldn't care less about the others screaming about how Ranfa was fishy. 

"Arua-sama, you need to be weary of her! She could very well betray you! There's something about her that's suspicious! It seems too easy for her to join you!" 

"I know that without you screaming at me. If she wants to join me, fine. She can join me. I have already sent the Heroes to spy on her. Whatever she is doing, she is monitored. If she has 5 pairs of eyes on her, I will decide what to do with her based on the report."

Homura waited at the bridge that connected Shiranui and Shiranai Island. With Ranfa joining the other side, he'd be lying if he said he wasn't intimidated by that very fact. He may be older than Ranfa, but when it came to combat, Ranfa was a lot stronger than he was and he knew he was at a disadvantage. 


She's here. Rain continued to pour down and envelope the two of them. She drew her sword and she went in for the kill! Homura drew his sword too and their blades clashed under the first strike of the thunder! 

The Heroes chosen to spy on Ranfa were watching from the forest. Their Quirks allowed them to listen and see what Ranfa was doing even if the distance between them was far. Arua did not assign people to do things for no reason. 

"Ranfa, have you forgotten what happened to Gou?! That bitch connected him to the monsters! She killed Gou! Have you forgotten Gou already?! We always find him at his secret base!" 

♥Rewrite: Unbreakable♥Kirishima Eijirou♥BNHA♥Where stories live. Discover now