♥03♥ Masked Hero

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Just like how he held his hand out for her to take, she held her hand for him to take. Kirishima looked at her hand and he took it without hesitation. 

"A-ahh!" He thought he would sink right into the water but he was walking on top of the surface too. "Eh? Woah! I'm standing on top of the water! This is so freaking cool! Awesome! Ranfa, this is awesome-" He stopped talking because Ranfa was smiling at him. He was reminded of everything they had went through just to get here. No words could describe it.

"Dance with me." 

Kirishima closed his eyes and he remembered the footwork of Princess Michiyo's dance. He pictured it and he followed what he could see in his mind. Before he knew it, they were dancing naturally, just like how the water naturally flowed in the river, like how naturally the wind continue to flow as it caresses you, and just like how natural it was for the sunlight to shine down on earth. 

Ranfa was surprised but she smiled as they danced. "Why do you know the steps of our dance?" 

"It's a very long story, you won't believe me." 

"Hmm...people closer to my age say such interesting things. You make me curious." 

"Are you saying that as in all of the people in my class?" 

"Just you." 

"I'm happy to hear that. I want to be special in your eyes." 

Her blue eyes looked into his red eyes and his red eyes stayed looking into her blue eyes. Even if they blink, their gaze stayed on one another under the full moon. 

"That damn Kirishima! How dare he get all chummy with a girl!" Mineta was looking through a binocular and he was seething from the balcony of the Japanese style dining room because Kirishima was having his alone time with Ranfa. 

"What was that, Mineta?" Mina couldn't see what was ahead so she took the binocular from Kirishima so she could see what was far in the sea not too far from the island. "Kirishima? What the heck is he doing with that girl?!" Mina doesn't like that girl. She doesn't like Ranfa because of how cold she was about life. Mina did not want to stand on the same plane as Hero with Ranfa.

Kirishima had fun. He should probably go back and return the boat to the old man as it was getting late. 

"Your Quirk is amazing. You can make a sword out of anyone's Quirk? That's awesome!" 

"Is it? It won't work when I am all alone though. Without someone there, I am useless." 

"It encourages teamwork though." 

She laughed a little, "No one likes to be near me. Before you lot came, the only one who will fight alongside me is Homura." 

"I don't mind you." 

She smiled, "I can tell." 

"You could run back if you wanted to, you know? I mean, your blue sword allows you to walk on water." He said as he used the oar to push the boat back to shore. 

"You're right, but I don't feel like using it." 

"Because you want to spend a little more time together?" Kirishima did not get an answer from her but he was happy she didn't deny it. 

However, their time together was completely ruined because something was lurking in the bottom of the sea. Red eyes shined from the depth below. 

Ranfa could sense a very cold killing intention.

♥Rewrite: Unbreakable♥Kirishima Eijirou♥BNHA♥Where stories live. Discover now