I knew he couldn't stop them, but it was fun to watch him try. Cute even.

I made sure to keep an eye on him. The heroes were progressing quickly, with my help, of course. They would have gotten stumped numerous times without my help. But anyway, I needed to keep an eye on him to find a good time to secretly dispose of him without making myself look suspicious.

Later that day, Mimi, the jerk, snuck in my room. She was always sticking her nose in my business. I was quietly sitting, plotting my next move, when she peeked her head inside. "Dimentiooooo?" She asked. I answered without looking up. "What do you want?" She stepped inside.

"You know, I've never seen you without your mask." I laughed. "And you never will, what's your point?" She smiled. "Come onnnn, show me!" I frowned. "No."

Man, that woman was persistent. She kept bugging me for almost an hour. "No. Mimi, get lost," I said. She frowned. "Alright..."

I let my guard down, and went back to plotting, when she sprinted up and grabbed it off my face. I immediately turned away from her and covered up my face with my hands. "MIMI, GIVE IT!" He took it and twirled it around her evil little fingers. "You want it? Come and get it!" She laughed as she ran out of my room. Still covering my face, I made my way to the doorway. "MIMI, GET BACK HERE!" 

I couldn't chase after her. Not without my mask. No way. I went back to my room and threw my face into my pillow. "UGHHHHH" I would just have to wait until everyone fell asleep, then sneak in and grab it. But we had a meeting today, I can't miss this meeting. Ugh, STUPID MIMI! 

I slid onto the floor, and kept groaning, when I heard a knock. "MIMI, THAT BETTER BE YOU!" I called. The door opened. 

Ugh, it was just Mr. L.

I groaned even louder, making sure my face was still covered. "Whoa, what happened to you?" He asked. I snapped my fingers, making locks appear on my door. "Remind me never to let anyone in this room. Ever." Mr. L rolled his eyes. "The meeting is in 30 minutes. I was told to remind you." I groaned even more. "I don't think I'm going. That stupid little girl took my mask." Mr. L chuckled.

"OH, WHAT, YOU THINK THIS IS FUNNY??" I asked. He stepped back. "Yes. Yes I do. You're all upset over a mask?" I nodded, still covering my face and looking away from him. He sighed. "Hold on a minute."

He left my room and I locked my door. About twenty minutes later, there was a knock  on my door. 

"Dim?" Mr. L's voice called. 

Did he just call me Dim?

 I didn't answer. I was not letting him in. There was silence for another minute, before I heard a sigh, then a sliding sound. I looked over, and saw that my mask was slid under the door. I slowly got up, walked over and grabbed it, then looked up. "Did he...." I shook my head. "Doesn't matter." I put my mask back on.

From there on, Mr. L seemed to actually want to hang out with me. He kept calling me 'Dim,' which was weird since no one else did. It was like he just randomly decided to give me a nickname. When I asked him about it, he just shrugged.

"Dim is just faster to say."

I laughed. "Well, can't really argue with that." He smiled. "You can call me L if you'd like. That way we'd both have nicknames." I actually smiled a real smile. For a moment I forgot about what would I would need to do to him in order for my plan to succeed. 

"Alright, L."

 He didn't take a likening to any of the other minions. It was weird, it was like he only wanted to talk to me. He enjoyed explaining his robots and his blueprints. I actually rather enjoyed listening, but I couldn't get too attached. He was just a pawn in my plan to create a perfect world. Eventually, I watched him leave to go stop the heroes once again, In fact, I'm the one who convinced him to go, using reverse psychology. I needed to get him somewhere I could dispose of him without raising any suspicions. He went to his room, and got his new and improved Brobot L-type, and headed out to stop the heroes. I sighed. I knew he was going to be defeated once again, and when he was, I was going to end his game, sending him to the Underwhere, before sending the heroes there as well and reuniting them.

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