I had nothing but time now.

I heard some commotion going on outside my cell and down the hall, but I didn't really pay it any mind.

Until I saw a green glow emitting from the hallway.

It reminded me of someone, but I pushed those thoughts away. I have no idea what happened to him after the Ultimate Show.

I heard a man's footsteps, approaching my cell. I was slightly curious. There was no way to track time here, but I was fairly certain that it wasn't meal time yet. I looked over at the man through the small slot window. All I could see were his blue eyes. My eyes went wide.


The man on the other side of the cell peered in. It took me a few seconds of staring into his eyes to realize this wasn't L. His eyes were to soft and filled with innocence, plus there were tears in his eyes. Mr. L hardly ever cried. I leaned back against the slot. "Ah, Luigi. The Man in Green. Come to visit me, did you?" 

Third Person POV

"Dimentio." Luigi said, trying to keep his cool. He was shaking, terrified of what this jester could do. The guy in the cell, Dimentio, laughed and winked. "Remember the name well. Did you miss me?" Luigi tightened his fists. "Hardly. It took me forever just to stop having nightmares about you." Dimentio chuckled. "Aww, you dreamed of me? I'm flattered." 

Luigi tried moving the conversation along. "L-Look, I'm not sure when the D-men are gonna wake up. I don't have a lot of time." Dimentio looked up at him. "Ahahaha, that was you? Look how you've grown. Little Luigi, taking out D-men just to pay a visit to little old me." Luigi's eyes filled with regret. Maybe this wasn't a good idea. He sighed. "Listen, I don't want to be here, but please. I'm desperate. I need your help. Do you know if there is a way I can break you out of here?"

Dimentio's eyes went wide. "You want to break ME out?" Luigi looked down and nodded. "Y-yes, but only if you agree to help me afterwards." Dimentio scoffed. "How do you know I won't just lie and leave you once you get me out?" Luigi smiled a little.

"Because I trust you."

Dimentio laughed. "That's a fatal mistake, don't you think?" Luigi looked down again. "Listen, I don't have any other options. Please, I'm desperate. Just help me out."

Dimentio started laughing again. "What makes you think that I'd help you?" Luigi shrugged. "I don't know, but please. You want to get out of here, right? I can get you out. I don't care what you do after that, all I want is my brother back."

Dimentio's back straightened. "Mario's gone?" He asked. Luigi looked down. "Yes. Please. I know you're smart. I know you've read the Dark Prognosticus and all that. You have to help me."

Dimentio smiled to himself. ".....Alright, I'm sold. You get me out of here, I help you save your stupid brother, then we go our separate ways?" Luigi nodded. "Y-yes." Dimentio smiled. "Perfect." 

Luigi looked down. "So, how do I get you out?" Dimentio chuckled. "I know exactly what you can do."

Luigi POV

I exited the Underwhere, making sure to get out before the D-men woke. Swimming to the top of the River of Twygz was somewhat difficult. It was way easier swimming down. The skeletal hands kept scratching at me, trying to pull me down, but I had to get up. I eventually made my way to the top of the river. I saw some D-men were searching around. Apparently there had been a security issue, and they were looking for the man who caused it. I got out of the water and made my way back home, as quickly and quietly as possible, pulling the black hood over my head.

Dimentio's plan played through my head. "First, you need to find someone of  importance. Like royalty. Yes, someone of royal, pure blood." His voice echoed.

I snuck my way around the Princess's castle. This felt wrong, no. This WAS wrong. But I had to, for Mario.

Kidnapping her should be fairly easy. After all, Bowser does it all the time.

I didn't like that word. Kidnapping. I wasn't doing that. I was simply borrowing her for a minute. I'd put here back. No real harm would come to her. Hopefully.

Oh, Grambi, what am I doing? Am I really this desperate?

I snuck up, and used a grappling hook I was able to snag from a cheep store, and made my way up to her room through her balcony. It was still dark out, the moon shining through her bedroom window. I walked into her room. She was sleeping so peacefully. "Bring them to Queen Jades, and threaten to spill their blood on her palace floors." 

I let out a shaky breath. Threaten. Not do. Threaten. Oh god, this was such a horrible plan. I won't ever be able to go back after I do this.

I sighed, quickly giving her some mushrooms which would make sure she stayed asleep for another hour. I got them from a shady toad who worked in an alleyway. This felt so wrong. "I'm sorry, Princess." I whispered to her, before picking her up, and taking out the return pipe.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure she'd never forgive me for this. There go my chances with her.

Ehh, she liked Mario more anyways. When I get him back she'll get to be with him and everyone will be happy again!

I made my way to Queen Jades before Peach came to and started squirming. "Unhand me!" She said before looking up at me. I avoided making eye contact with her. I propped Peach up so she was standing in front of me and pulled out a knife. I held it up, close to Peach's neck, seeing my reflection in it. I sighed, then looked up. "QUEEN JADES!" I called out. The queen turned to me, when a shocked expression covered her face. 

"Luigi?? W-what are you doing," Peach asked, incredibly confused. I whispered to her, "I'm sorry." Before continuing. 

"Tell her that you'll spill their royal pure blood unless I am released. Jades should cooperate, since she doesn't want to be the reason for an important person's death."  I pulled Peach closer. "T-this is a girl of royal pure blood. N-now, unless you release Dimentio, I-I'm gonna spill it." Queen Jades' eyes went wide. "What are you doing?" She asked. I nervously replied, "What I have to."

I felt tears form in my eyes. This is what bad guys did. I must have truly lost it.

Peach looked up at me. "Luigi, what is this??" I ignored her and brought the knife even closer. "I-I'm warning you! I know you don't want to be the reason for a Royalty's death. This can all be avoided. Now Release him!" 

Queen Jades stepped forward. "You won't do it. You would never hurt her." 

"You must be prepared to show that you mean business."

I began to shake. "O-oh yeah?" I took the knife, and began to press ever so slightly into the princess's throat. She cried out in pain. Tears filled my eyes. A small drop of blood fell. It made me shudder. 

Jades jerked up. "Wait! Stop!" I moved the knife away from Peach's throat.

"Please, don't make me do more," I pleaded. Queen Jades looked down.

"Go get him." She said to a D-man.

I sighed a sigh of relief, and dropped the princess. "T-thank you!"

The Queen glared back at me. "I hope you know what you just did."

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