3: "Going Beyond"

Start from the beginning

As soon as the exam began, everyone started running, with Minato distancing himself from everyone else behind, moving to the middle of the city-like area, destroying any robot that appeared in his way. After he got to the middle of the area, he started running through the area, eliminating every robot he saw with ease. Punching, kicking, stomping, elbowing, body slamming, throwing or simply grabbing their heads and ripping them from the rest. In 30 minutes, he had already sweeped one half of the training area, failing to get a few robots here and there, who were destroyed by other participants. Minato then decides to go back to the entrance since he was sure he had more than enough points, when another announcement started, informing that the gimmick robot would now appear. Immediately after, the floor by the center of the area opened with a colossal robot coming out. Minato looked back, seeing the robot and simply ignored it and kept going, as he was just about to reach the entrance, with everyone else running away, he heard a scream. Looking back, he saw a girl with vine-like hair on the ground, looking like she was injured, and the gimmick robot approach her. Seeing that the girl was about to get crushed, Minato lunged forward, in a jumping motion, at a high speed, getting next to the girl and using every ounce of his strength to grab the robot's left track wheel, trying to stop it's movement, to no avail.

Minato:"I... won't lose... to some piece of metal! (Screaming) Ahhhh! "

Giving everything he had, Minato started crushing the track wheel, until, eventually, both the wheel and the track broke completely, as well as the robot's engine, which started breaking down due to the robot's movement becoming impaired. Minato carried the girl and ran as fast as he could into the entrance, as the engine blew up behind them. Reaching the entrance, he puts down the girl and lies down by her side, as his limbs seem start aching. A few minutes later, Recovery Girl, the former hero turned school nurse came to check on both. She treated the girl and then went to check on Minato.

Recovery Girl:"You are something else, aren't you, my dear. You only got a few scratches from your little feat, though your muscle tissue is a bit torn, no doubt from exerting your muscles like that. I'll help you recover, but it will still take a few days, even using my quirk."

Everyone was surprised from hearing that he came pretty much unscathed, while Minato just shrugged it off and walked to the bus. After returning to the school he met with Izuku and Katsuki. As he approached them, a blonde boy, with a strange looking belt, kept shouting, as tears fell from his face, about how the exam was unfair. As he left the school, the boys ignored him, and started sharing their experiences in the exam, as they walked to the train station.

(Timeskip brought to you by the Chibi boys covering their ears from Chibi Mic's loud talking)

A week has passed since the exam and today is the day the admission letters are delivered. Minato was getting ready for school, worried about Izuku's admission, after hearing about his exam from him, but, nonetheless, he hoped for the best. After getting breakfast, Minato and Katsuki went to school. While walking, they meet Izuku, who seemed quite depressed.

Katsuki:"Hey, Deku! Stop being all mopey! It's pissing me off!"

Minato:"For once, I agree with him. You gotta cheer up. You've done your best."

Izuku:"But I failed. I failed All Might and I failed you guys."

Minato:"No, you haven't. Even if you didn't enter UA, you can still go to a hero course. You'll be as great a hero as you can, regardless of your school. Things will work out, you'll see."

Minato's words cheered up Izuku a little, as the three of them reached the school. The classes went on, boring as always. After school ended, the boys went home to see if they had gotten their admission letters. As soon as they got home, Minato and Katsuki asked if they had any mail. Mitsuki turned to them, with a big grin, showing them, in her hands, two cards with UA's seal.

Mitsuki:"We got these today! Congratulations, you two!


They both said, happier than ever. After opening and reading them, they went upstairs, changed clothes, said goodbye to Mitsuki and went to see Izuku. They decide to race to the Midoriya home, which ended up with Minato winning, to Katsuki's annoyance. They then ringed the doorbell. Afterwards, Izuku's mother came to the door.

Minato:"Hey Auntie Inko. Is Izuku home?"

Inko:"Yes. He's in his room. I'm guessing you're here to celebrate about your admission letters."

Minato:"Yeah. Does that mean that he's..."

Inko:"(Smiling) He has got one too. Come on in! Go celebrate!"

The boys thanked and walked in to Izuku's room. They then knocked and entered to see Izuku sitting at his desk, crying from happiness.

Minato:"I told you things would work out."

Izuku:"Yeah! Now we'll get to study with All Might!"

Izuku said, with a big smile, throwing his arms in the air. When he looks at his friends again, they seem to be in a mix of confusion and surprise.

Minato:"All Might is gonna be one of our teachers!?"

Katsuki:"What the heck are you talking about, Deku!?"

Izuku then explained that All Might told him, during training, that he had accepted an offer to become a teacher, in order to find a successor for One for All, before they met. Minato became ecstatic at the thought of learning with All Might while Katsuki thought of it as a chance to train and surpass Minato. Izuku just chuckled at his friends' reactions.

(Timeskip brought to you by the Chibi boys celebrating)

Today is their first school day at UA's hero course and Minato, Izuku and Katsuki were walking to school. Minato, being exhausted due to not being able to sleep from the excitement, was wearing the uniform with his sleeves rolled up to the elbow, his jacket opened, his tie loosened and his shirt collar unbuttoned, Izuku wore his with his tie in a bunch and Katsuki wore his without the tie. As they got to the school's entrance, the three look up and think.

Izuku:"Today is our starting line to become heroes."

Katsuki:"Let's do this!"

Immediately after, Minato starts falling asleep on his feet.

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