Sfw - Lucius and Narcissa

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- Both Narcissa and Lucius are very cold and closed off in front of other people, but when you get them together (with you) behind closed doors? They are like children. Extremely sassy, elegantly dressed children.

- Narcissa and Lucius running up and down the halls, playing tag.

- Bubble baths with different scents (Narcissa is partial to the lavender scented stuff, Lucius prefers the mint stuff)

- One time, Narcissa managed to convince Lucius to take a bubble bath with the two of you before one of his parties, and so he smelt like lavender the entire time instead of mint. He received a lot of confused looks, and he was not so pleased about it.

- Narcissa and Lucius have this twin glare (A single eyebrow raised, with a flat mouth) that they used to intimidate anyone trying to hit on you, or insult you.)

- Reading silently for hours, then one of them gets restless and either jumpscares you and the other or tickles one of you to get your attention.

- When you and Narcissa are sewing or playing chess or really doing anything without Lucius, he will come into the room, stand just outside your field of vision, and sigh dramatically until you both look at him.

- "Is there something you need, Lucius?" "No, no my dear. Well... I was just wondering if you, perhaps, would like to um-" "Yes?" "Oh, I don't know. Do something with me?" "Like what?" "Well, honestly, I hadn't really thought this far."

- Narcissa gets extremely excited when watching sports. She's the kind of girl that will jump and yell and throw her hands in the air. It is quite hard to contain herself when she is watching quidditch out in public, because she just wants to hex some sense into those stupid referees.

- Severus is best friends with both Narcissa and Lucius, so it is commonplace to have Severus over for tea, or even to stay for the weekend. And you get to see a side of Severus most don't: actually somewhat kind of happy.

- Narcissa throwing a fit when she realizes any children you three have will have to be named after a constellation.

- "It's tradition, my sweet." "It's bloody stupid is what it is." "Oh come on now, is there not a single name on this list that you like." "It doesn't matter if I like the names on the list Lucius, what if I want to name our child something normal. Like Rebecca? Or Brian?" "Well Rebecca Malfoy has quite a nice ring to it... Brian Malfoy not so much." "See! Then you agree?" "What about Draco my dear? Or Scorpius?" "Merlin's beard, and I thought we were finally getting somewhere! Y/N, what do you think on the matter?"

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