Chapter 13: Conviction

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"No...I plan on beating you and winning this tournament with only my ice power," 'only?' "So don't disappoint me and falter, I want to prove that I'm stronger than the one who could restrain that beast." Todoroki had more than one power?

"Alright..." Izumi looked into his eyes, trying to guess what his other power was. She thought for a few moments before realizing the disparities in her arm's warmth. Her left arm was rather warm, as if his right side produced a substantial amount of heat. Whereas her right arm was freezing, she knew that he conjured ice with his left arm, but could he summon fire with his right? "But what did you mean by only your ice power? Do you have more than one quirk?"

Shouto shook his head as Katsuki joined them in the waiting room, "forget I said anything about it. Just know that I will win this tournament with my power, and mine alone." Izumi raised her left eyebrow as the heterochromatic boy walked away and sat at the furthest bench.

"Yo," Katsuki said, wrapping his arm around her shoulder and dropping his head next to her. "What's his problem?" He asked, clearly noticing how Shouto was sulking in the corner.

"I...don't know actually," Izumi forced her hands together and created a little bridge with them, "but I wish I did." What could bother him to the point where he'd hide the secondary effect of his quirk? She planned on finding out today, through one way or another.


Before Izumi knew it, she was lined up for a race. How long and what the qualifications for it were, escaped her. During the entire time their teacher, Midnight, talked, she zoned out as she stared at the back of Shouto's head. Wondering exactly what could've caused him to use only a part of his quirk. She regretted not paying attention, but if it were a race then she'd have to win. Shock overtook her when the ceiling and wall in front of them began to peel back. "On your mark," Midnight's loud voice blared through a speaker from somewhere. When the metal finished moving, Izumi could only remember the warmth of her fire as she heard "Go!" Quickly, wings formed from her back, letting her take to the sky. Somewhat at least, not knowing the exact constraints of this race, Izumi merely flew a few feet above the crowd of students running to get out. When she cleared them, which was after a few seconds, she simply flew about six feet from the ground. On the way to the end, which seemed like an eternity away, she encountered robots, a deep trench, land mines, and nobody else. She breezed past the robots by coating herself in a fiery cloak, one that melted through the metal. She simply just flew past the other two obstacles before seeing the finish line after what was really only ten minutes. Being the first one to cross, Izumi didn't know what would happen.

But she wasn't expecting to get a head band worth ten million points during the next event in this three event festival. The minute Midnight announced how they cavalry battle would work, Izumi felt about 40 malicious gazes focused on her. Or, to be more accurate, focused on the score she was worth. A whopping ten million would secure the victory of any team that got it, meaning that she'd either need a strong team or just stay away from the others in order to win. She tried to get Katsuki on her team but failed, the same with Iida. But Ochako, she was completely ready to roll with Izumi. So was another girl with pink hair, her name was Mei Hatsume? At least that's what Izumi thought she'd heard, she spoke fairly fast and Izumi swore she caught her talking about babies a couple of times. Now that they had three teammates in total, they were still missing one more. And Izumi knew just which lone bird she'd try to get on her team.

With their formation ready, and Izumi being held up by her teammates. The Calvary battle was ready to begin. Since she was forced to be the one being held, Izumi was at the top, various metal contraptions were worn by her. The only other one to wear anything similar, was Fumikage, who held up the front end for them. Hatsume and Uraraka were at Izumi's sides, "are you ready guys?" Izumi asked, knowing that the battle was about to begin any second. When the horn blared, she expected their cries of joy to be drowned out, but, she heard them just fine.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2021 ⏰

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