Amelia walked through the lifeless corridors, leaving classrooms and the smell of cold stone behind and approached the great hall. The moving stairs led her past many living portraits and decorated walls. She stepped through the large entrance and walked towards the table, which was covered with a long, green tablecloth and all sorts of food. Looking around the hall, Amelia just spotted a few other students. She was the only Slytherin, but there were six Hufflepuffs, five Ravenclaws and two Gryffindors. Amelia was not surprised by the small number of people, considering it was pretty early and the class didn't start for another hour. However, she could guess the different reasons, the students came here at this particular time. The Ravenclaws wanted to prepare themselves well for class and new school material. As a result, they would be ready to participate in class without having a look at their notes. In contrast, the Hufflepuffs got up to use the whole day. They didn't want to spend most their time sleeping, when the great life was waiting for them. Bullshit. The only two lions in the hall were Lily Evans and Dorcas Meadowes. The two pursued the goals of both the other houses. Yeah, well and then there was Amelia. Trying to run from her housemates. Classic. Professor McGonagall and Flitwick were sitting in their seats at the huge front table, to watch over the few students, while eating and planning their classes.

After minutes of consideration, Amelia sat down at the Slytherin table, eating her breakfast. She decided to go for a toast with jam and a banana. Considering she didn't like pumpkin juice and was really tired, she drank a large mug of black coffee.

It was still heavily raining outside and a storm was approaching the castle. However, a spell was spoken, filling the great hall with warm sunlight and a blue sky. Amelia thought it was pathetic to do this. As quick as you leave the hall, you're going to stand under the grey and dark sky. You're going to see the reality, because this is all an illusion. And the reality is a disappointment in comparison. There is no endless light and sunshine everywhere you go. That's not how it works. This world is cruel and nothing else. Making it look like it was different won't change those facts. So why try?

However, the peaceful silence of thoughts was interrupted by four particular boys, stumbling into the hall. The marauders. Of course it had to be them. Amelia knew the boys. Well, knew of the boys, everyone did. Just because she was reserved and nearly no-one knew her, didn't mean that she didn't knew of the others. She was quite observant, considering she kept everything to herself, even thought you'd need to be blind and deaf not to acknowledge the four. However, Amelia tried to ignore them the best she could. Their childish behavior of pranks, annoyance, endless happiness and love was tiring and surreal.


,,Damn, moony. Why do we have to be here this earlyyyy?" Sirius whined, as he sat down on the wooden bench, letting his head fall into his hands, that he rested on the table.

,,I told you, you have to prepare yourselves for class." Remus explained for the third time in a row. He made his friends get up this early, because he knew that they could fail some classes. At least James or Sirius. The two weren't dumb. Actually they were far from being so. I mean, come on. They made a map that shows everyone at every time themselves and managed to not get exposed in all those years. The boys could be really smart and do well in class, if they'd just learn and study. They, most of the times, didn't do their homework, copied Remus or Peters notes for class and started reversing ten minutes before a test. Their laziness was tiring in any possible way.

,,Remus is right. I don't like being up as well, but you two need to study." Peter added for support. He knew that his friends could be smart, but they never get to show it, because of their stubbornness.

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