Chapter 9

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Happy Easter!

Damian sighed as he fell onto his bed. Family gaming night. Whatever that was meant to be. A way to 'boost positivity as you look so down' is all that was given as an explanation. From Grayson, the young assassin doubted anyone else would show a care. He closed his eyes, allowing himself to blink as he recalled his memorised schedule. In five minutes at 3:50 he was to revise all he'd learnt. He was supposed to end at 5:00 to practice his sword fighting but that plan was going to waste.

He lay still, watching the time pass by as he thought. The new student. What was her name again? Megan? Marianne? No, a french name. Marinette. He hadn't been given her full name, a huge disappointment seeing as it meant he couldn't yet do a background check. How unfortunate. His eyes narrowed at the thought of trusting someone without the knowledge of who they were. How foolish people were to do that. In all, he couldn't help but wonder what it would be like. Wondrous, he supposed. But that was just his attempt at humouring himself. He would never let himself do something like that.

Sorry if this books sound like a Daminette. It's a Roynette but this seems like a Daminette. Sorry! It's PLATONIC Daminette and SIBLING Daminette. Sorry if I made it seem like a Daminette. Had to say this now to avoid any future misconceptions.

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