Chapter 6

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Marinette was tired. That wasn't new. In honest, the fact infuriated Tikki. The young Demi-God had always despised evil. Having to assist a young teenager fight a deranged psychopath just about tipped her over the edge. Especially knowing that same young teenager was a kind peaceful soul who ended greatly wounded, physically and emotionally. Oh, and not to mention her lack of sleep.

The youngster needed help support, that much Tikki knew. She was also aware of the fact Adrien wasn't the help and support she needed. The bluenette's trust was wearing thin, having feel she was intentionally made cast out, due to Adrien helping his father create negative emotions. After a few days in Gotham, the young designer couldn't keep the thought at bay.

Feeling a similar blood bond flow through the air as Marinette took a seat made Tikki spit out the cookie she was eating. The ravenette obviously wasn't aware, but the ancient kwami obviously knew better. She'd been alive for centuries after all.

She took her moment to investigate when Marinette fell asleep, dozing off into what was meant to be a dream. But not on Tikki's watch.

The goddess was quick to speed through Marinette's moments, not recognising the boy but seeing a man and what appeared to be his sons. They crowded round the young Marinette, gushing at awing at her cuteness. Perhaps the Kwami would have joined in if it wasn't for the fact she was looking for something, or rather someone. As Marinette noticed a memory, the spotted creature knew it was time for it to come to an end. She was quick to end the slumber, leaving the dream to crumble as the teenager awoke, the dream forgotten and lost to all except the old goddess. Tikki.

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