Chapter 1

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Her eyes shadowed as she looked over everyone. She being Marinette. She'd just transferred to Gotham after the defeat of Hawk moth, puplic not knowing who the supervillain ever was, hoping to find some love and maybe let friendships bloom. Easier said than done. She'd just entered the classroom before muttering a small 'hi' with the wave of her hand. She'd then sat on the only seat available, a chair next to a scowling boy who seemed to already have a huge distaste for her. Wasn't the first time though. She'd learnt to have thick skin.

She listened as the teacher rambled on about different parts of English. She understood him though, English was a language she used to speak. They were distant memories, she barely remembered them, but she still understood him nonetheless.

Her eyes would wander to the clock every so often. She held nothing against the subject, just wanted out the room to wander on her legs again.

Oh how she missed being a superhero.

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