What's up wyd Marker

Marker? Haha
Oh uh nothing just playing guitar and chilling I guess

I wish I knew how to play guitar
I tried to get into the guitar lessons at school back when I was like 12 and they said I was too bad to even teach

Yo what
Isn't that a little harsh to say to a 12 year old
I'm sure you weren't that bad

Trust me I was bad
It took like 20 mins just for me to hold it properly like the hand placements
But anyways not everyone can be multi talented like you

Learning the guitar is hard at first but once you get it down then you're good to go
Do you play any instruments

I went through a phase of trying to play the violin but that didn't end up good either same with piano I couldn't play both hands simultaneously 😭
I think I'll stick to being untalented it's fine

I'm sure you'll find something
Like a hobby maybe
Playing sports idk

All I can think about is you throwing a basketball and going "czennie this is for you" and then you miss the hoop

Dude I remember that hahaha
I was kinda expecting it to go in

Do you like playing basketball

Yeah I actually do it's fun especially with Chenle
Do you play it

The only thing I play is hearts 😎
Nah I don't though I used to play football with my brothers

Oh wait
You mean soccer

No sir
You kick the ball with your foot

It's weird how people call things different names
Like soccer

Nah man it's football it makes more sense

I remember when I went to England you guys call fries chips

I mean we have fries too but yes CHIPS

I think I'd be very confused if I stayed in England like hearing all the different words

Come meet the Queen for some afternoon tea

Haha imagine I met the Queen
Have you ever met her

who do you think I am ✋🏽😭
I know I'm basically the best rapper around but I'm not that famous

Of course best rapper
How's your raps going

It's great u wanna hear

Go for it lets hear it

It's called broke
Yo, I'm broke it's a sad life
I'll steal your money cuz I got a knife


lmaoooooo I couldn't think of a rhyme okay okay

Try to buy albums but cards always declined
Just want a photo card in my hands preferably signed

Nah I can't think of anything the creativity isn't flowing
Wow I'm actually a rapper you know 😍😎

Late replies ☾ Mark LeeWhere stories live. Discover now