"Oh, I just want your honest opinion about how they are doing. I am thinking of starting the Homecoming routine but I feel like some of them are not there yet with the basic routine." I nod.

Grace instantly comes to us. "Why are you asking her, Diane?"

"Because I want an honest opinion. Also, I know she observes us." Diane tells Grace, shutting her up. But Grace is still angry today.

"Honestly, I do not understand your reasoning for letting Kris come to practice anyway. Just... you have lost your touch, Diane." Grace tells her. I frown as Diane barks out an evil laugh.

"I can assure you I have not. But you seem to need a reminder about who your Captain is. If you wanna remain on the team and be my second in command you need to show some respect and not ask questions. Now go start doing the routine before I call the coach to bench you." Diane says, making Grace frown.

"You will not dare to do that." Grace challenges Diane.

"You wanna try me?" Diane asks, raising her eyebrows. Grace sighs after a second and goes back to her position. Diane turns to me, "Now please observe and let me know your opinion honestly." I nod and go back to my seat.

Alice looks at me but does not say anything. Soon they start doing their current routine and I notice they are not bad but some of them are not landing properly or throwing properly. This will throw off the whole team's performance so I note it down mentally. Overall they seem okay. I do not know what this Homecoming routine includes but I assume it is difficult as this one is pretty simple in nature.

Practice comes to an end and with it, both Alice and I get ready to leave. Alice tells me that she will give me a ride considering it is Friday and we will go to the hangout. It is better to go there directly unless we have to go back. I don't mind my bag with me, and it is better as otherwise, I will have to ask Tori to give me a ride twice. I text her letting her know that she does not need to pick me up and that I am going straight to the hangout, she just told me to text her when I am leaving so she will drive me back. I hearted the message as that sounds perfect.

"So how was it?" Diane asks coming up right beside me as I start to walk out of the gym. I look at her weirdly.

"Don't you wanna change or something?" I ask as she smiles. "Wow!" Diane looks at me shyly.

"I did change but you didn't have to say it like that." She tucks in a loose strand of hair behind her ear. " I just didn't shower today."

"Ew!" She slaps my shoulder.

"Shut up Kris." I smile and she mimics my smile.

"I did not say it to sound mean Diane, I just... you have a beautiful smile. I am sure I have told you before. You should smile more often." Diane shyly looks away.

"Why do you have to say things like that?"

"What do you mean? Honest things or compliment you?"

"Both. And you evaded my original question. Are they that bad?" Diane asks, looking at me with hopeful eyes.

"On the contrary. They are pretty good, some of them need a bit more practice as they forget things and their landing and throwing are a little off but it might throw the team off. But overall they seem to be good."

"Really? I thought I asked you for your honest reply. You..."

"What Diane? I told you honestly."

"So, you mean you are being serious." I nod. "Okay. Good to know then. I was worried they were awful."

"Why? Do you not trust them?"

"I do, I just don't trust myself to be a good captain sometimes."

"Hey Diane, from what I have seen you are a pretty great Captain. Don't doubt yourself please."

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