Chapter 4 How you became a state alchemist

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A/n:This chapter is in Edward's POV so just an Fyi. on with the story!

Ed's POV
     "We need to talk..." Y/n says shyly "Ok y/n, go on" I say calmly "Your right, I have been fucking on Mustang... But only for you to keep your job."she says looking down "What!!?!" I say pissed "Why do you think he hasn't fired you yet ?!" She asks now looking me in the eye  "You do have a point there." I say breaking contact "Hell yeah I have a point!" She says pissed "Quit cursing I'm still your older cousin got it!!!?!" I yell overprotectively " Shut up Edward!!!What you don't know Im the reason that your a state alchemist in the first damn place !!!" She yells beyond pissed hearing that made me wanted to kill Mustang but I try to calm my voice down alittle n not to scare her "Really?" I ask calmly " yeah, when you went to take your paper part of the test before my 13th birthday that's when I first met Mustang, just talking to him made me blush we went to a café close to HQ and we just clicked, before your finished your test we went back to his office and talked alittle bit more one thing led to another and after that day I was no longer pure.(A/n:If you know what I mean) " she explains "I don't want you seeing my Superior!!!" I say with a growl as I pin her down "Ed,what we you..MHF!!" I kissed her when she wouldn't kiss back I pull away "That's for pouring milk in my mouth."I say as I get off of her "Nii-Chan, is everything ok?" Al asks walking in "Yeah it's fine I just go sit down Al I have to have a talk with y/n."I say as he walks back out "Ok, brother if you say so" he says walking I. The living room "I don't care what Mustang does I don't want you fucking on that womanizer got it?!"I say getting in my bed "Alright Edward."she says annoyed as I hear her slowly falling asleep ,As I look at her sleeping body I start  to get another hard-on I don't know why but I think I know why Mustang hits on her the way he does but damn! Again I caught myself in thought as I slowly go to sleep since at this rate we have to get up and get to Resinbaol Early tomorrow morning...

A/n: Hey you Fullmetal children!! So that's chapter 4  for you Animelovers!!! Sorry if it was a short chapter (Get it? Edward don't kill me) but the next chapter fron what I can see will be long but until then Author chan out!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😏😏😏😏😏😏

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