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Third person Pov:
Its been a year since your dad died and your mom hasn't been the same since."Y/n dear would you be a sweetheart and check on your cousins for me aunt trisha was supposed to be at the market?" Your mother asks weakly " Yes ma!" Your 9 year old self say hopping out the door your mom's health has gotten worst since your father's death so, you kinda felt uneasy leaving her alone but you wanted to see your cousins five minutes later you get to your Aunt's house and Ed pins your arm behind your back and you scream out in pain "Ed let me go!" You yell in pain "Say Uncle Edward then I MIGHT let you go." He says smirking "No your hurting me !"you say crying "Then say it and I'll let go." He says "Uncle Edward !!!Uncle Edward!!! Uncle Edward!!!" You  yell he lets go us your aunt walks in "Really Ed ?  You have to be your cousin's protector not hurting her ." She says smiling " Yeah I know mom but it's fun to hear her scream" Ed says "Edward what am i going to do with you." She says shaking her head " Hey, Y/n" Al says walking in "Hi ,Al-pple" ( pun intended) " Y/n!!!!" You laugh as you walk with your aunt into the kitchen to watch her cook "How's your mom" she asks as she starts to cook "She's not getting any better aunty" you say worryly "Well if she does passes over you can live with us ." She says "Thanks aunty Trisha" you say smiling  "Y/n I can walk you home ." Ed and Al say at the say time "Thanks." You say standing up "Bye aunty !"you say walking out with Ed and Al "Bye my little N/n" You , Ed and Al get to the house and you open the door slowly "Mom!! I'm home and Ed and Al are with me !!" You yells walking in when she doesn't reply you start to worry the three of you walk in the room your mom was in and she's not breathing !! "Mom!!!!Mom!!!" You yell runing to her bedside crying you touch her hand and it was Ice cold more tears fall as you realize that you lost her Ed walks over to you   "Sorry for your lost little one ." He says wrapping his arms around you you three walk back and as soon as you see your aunt you run and cry in her arms "Oh Y/n what happened?" She asks when you don't answer she starts to cry too knowing that it was her sister.....
                                     ~ One Year Later ~
Its been a year now since you loss both parents but you have your aunt and cousins now and that is all that matters you, Ed and Al just started to learn alchemy and your learning to cook from your aunt but recently your aunt's health is not getting any better either so she has made you the women of household "Aunty!What do I need for the Duck Stew?" She walks into the kitchen weakly and sits down "Carrots, Green beans, Sweet Peas ,duck and milk ." When she says that last ingredient Ed comes into the house and says "Don't you dare Y/n!" "Too late it's In the pot! Na!" You say sticking your tounge out at him " Get along you two what will you do when I'm gone I done have long and you to are acting like your three years old!!!" You and Ed look at each other and say "Sorry..." She smiles weakly and says " It's fine just grow up if I do die you two have to be the adults in the house." When she says that Winfry and granny " Hey Y/n." Winfry says smiling " Hi Winfry ." "Lets get you back to bed Trisha " granny says taking her back into the back room you do a taste test and its wonderful "Winfry taste I think it's my best batch yet!!" You say smiling she taste and smiles "Girl, you're outdone your self!" She says as Ed and Al look at each other confused "Well let's eat!" Al says walking to the table.....
                                             ~A Week Later~
You,Al,and Ed sits infornt of two tomestones one says " M/n L/n" and one says "Trisha Elric" you and Al star to cry and Ed says " We could bring them back..Using human transmutation." You look up at him and scream "Edward are you crazy !!! I want my mom back too but I'm not going to let you go to that kind of extreme!!!" "Why not she took you in when your mother died I know you want her back too!!" After he says that you think on your aunt's words "Ed we should be able to talk without an argument." You say looking down "Your right but if your not going to help us then fuck off."Ed says as you walk off to Winfry and Granny's house ...
                                                         ~ A month later~
You knew that it was no talking Edward out of this even if you wanted to they just started training with Curtis A week ago to prepare to attempt human transmutation you love your cousins very much but you know the danger of human transmutation but you walk over to your cousins house and knock  "What do the hell do you want?" Ed asks opening the door  " Look Ed, I probably won't be able to talk you out of this but I'll let you do it. But don't    nothing fucking crazy ." When you say that Ed seemed angry "Watch your language Y/n I'm still your older cousin no matter what I said last month alright?!" You let out a long sigh and say " Alright you win but we're in this together got it Edward? We are all we have left ." Ed smiles and says " True, but you know I can make you scream now mom isn't here to stop me ." You gulp out of fear and walk in.....
                                       ~ The day they commit Human transmutation~
You tell Ed and Al goodbye as you walk out " Bye pipsqueak I'm going to Winfry's house Don't do anything  crazy! " You say waiting for a response " Who in the hell you calling a pipsqueak?! Ed says pissed "You Ed." You say halfway down the road you run to the lake so Ed can't catch you "You still have to come home!!" He yells .....
                                                             ~ Later that night ~
You hear a knock on the door at Winfry's house and you see A bloody Edward and a suit of armor "Edward!!!!!!!" You scream "Oh my God you didn......." You passed out from shock an hour later you wake up laying on the couch " What happened?"  You asked as you sit up "You passed out from shocked when you saw Ed and Al " granny says "Drink ."she says passing you some water ..
                                                                ~ The next day ~
You and winfry went to the market to get everything for Ed's automail "You sure your ok ?" She asks grabbing something " Kinda is the automail going to hurt?"you ask her " Yeah and no." She replys you gulp out of fear and you say " That dumbass! I could have fucking lost him !!!" You start to cry and Winfry says "Come on let's get back ." You dry your face and start to walk back when you see a tall man and woman the man has raven black hair and the women has is a blonde like Winfry "Shit !! they're  from the military." Winfry says " I told them something bad was going to happen but they didn't want to listen to me." You say you walk in and he grabs Ed by his collar and yells "What the hell did you do answer me!!!!!" You actually thought that he was a little cute but the The downside he's older your thoughts are stopped when granny starts and yelling him " What permit do you have leave my house!!" After a few minutes the raven hair man sits down at the table and says "if they were to join army they would have a chance of getting their bodies back. And to do a little research on alchemy they'll have all the resources they need ." And of course Granny was against it saying"I went to the house to see what happened and what else I was not leaving I am at alchemy made that thing I am not going to allow it!!!" He smirks and says "Alright I'll leave them alone." When he walks over to you Ed and Al he whispers "if you ever think about joining the military here is my card." He says smirking and he walks out and says" let's go lieutenant."..
                                                 ~A year later~
"Welcome aboard Fullmetal." The man now known as Roy Mustang Ed smirks and says "Fullmetal alchemist I like that it sounds  fearful. " When he say that  You roll your eyes and smirk...
A/N: Hey you guys sorry for not putting this in anyone's  point of view but in the next few chapters it will be in someone's point of view well at least he'll have to 13 so I see you all in the next one Peace I want another thing this one was really long 1583 words but hey I managed to get prepared cuz I'm going to be really really fun with this support me and I might do a Scar X Reader. Peace out!!

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