Chapter 1 The talk

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Ed's POV
Man, I really don't want to talk to her about this, she might be turning 15 tomorrow but it still feels uncomfortable having "The talk" with my little cousin then at the same time she's been staying out late and I don't want the unthinkable to happen to her. After about an hour debating with myself I pick up the courage to walk to her room and knock Y/n, can you open the door please we need to talk."  I say already uncomfortable "Ok,Ed just give me a minute"Y/n says from the other side, a minute later she opens the door and all I could see was her chest and I could feel my face heat up "Are you ok Edward?!?!Your hot and your face is red!!"she asks panicking, I try to stop blushing and say"No I'm fine , I just need to talk to you about something." I say walking in and closing the door "O.....ok am I in trouble?" She asks scared "What? No your not in any kind of trouble! It's just that winry said that it's about time to have the sex talk with you."I say as I sit down in the chair and she sits down on the bed "Oh, let me guess you felt uneasy having that kind of talk with me?" She asks smirking "well yeah can we just talk about it and get it over it?" I say trying to end this as fast as it started "okay ask away"she says cheerfully"ok, do you know what masturbation is and have you done it?" I ask in a way I want to been asked "yes and yes." She replies I started to feel even more uneasy hearing that but Winry said that it had to be at least 3 minutes so I ask another question " Have you had your first kiss yet?" When I ask that she starts to smirk and I knew that this wasn't going to end well " That's not something I want you to know." Before I could say anything her phone rings (A

I know that they don't have the same phones in Fma but just work with it) "Hello?" She says answering the phone  "Ok... Mhm.... alright I understand..Bye!"to hang up the phone and looks at me "Ed, we're supposed to go to Central tomorrow right?" She  as she walks to the door " Yeah, I have to meet Colonel bastard my report."I say annoyed "well, you try and get some rest while I'll get started on dinner." She says with a smile as I walk out the door "Alright y/n you win! Please don't put any milk in it this time." I say as she closes the door " we'll see about that."she says evilly smirking . I walk to my room and and think " why do my younger cousin have to be so damn sexy?" As quickly as I thought it I erased it from my mind "She's your younger cousin Edward nothing more nothing less."I think it's a lay down and slowly fall asleep

That was awkward really really awkward why did I feel pleasure from him asking me those types of questions all well I can just think about it later I head downstairs to start on my famous wild ducks  stew and just to tease it I had half a bottle of milk and and do it taste test " wonderful!"I say with the Glee as I said the table and go to wake up Ed, I walk up to his room door and knock "Ed!! Edward!!! Wake up dinner is ready!!" I yells  trying to wake him up when I don't hear any movement I walk into his room and see that he is dead sleep with his mouth open I evilly smirk as I take the leftover milk for the stew and pour it in his mouth when he feels the milk in his mouth he jumps up pissed "What the hell y/n?!?" He yells at the top of his lungs "dinner's ready" I say trying to walk out "Oh really?" He asks pinning me to the bed "Eddie, what are you doing?!?"I say nervous " You didn't answer my question, Have you or have you not?"he says smirking "No." I lie "Oh really?" He says as his smirk grows wider "Ed,I..MHP!!"he kissed me when I didn't kiss back he starts the growl at the fact " You two stop arguing and eat!"Al says on the other side of the door "Ok Al, here we come." He says getting off of me I stand up and straighten my clothes so Al doesn't get the wrong idea, I walk out and head straight for the dining room and put me and Ed's bowls when he's done eating at his usual speed 100 mph he stands up and licks the bowl smiling "y/n that was amazing!! What did you put in it?" He asks with Glee my evil smirk just grew wider and wider as I said what I put in the stew "Carrots,Corn,Green beans, sweet peas, duck and milk." When I say that last ingredient he starts rubbing his tongue to so call "Rub the taste off" "What the hell y/n!? you know that I was just kidding?!" He yells pissed I burst out laughing and say "Yeah I know and you couldn't taste it anyway!" "Yeah, your right.We better go to bed if we want to make it to Central in time!" He says leaving the table and walking to his room I clean up and walk to my room,lay down as I slowly fall asleep.

A/n: Hey you Animelovers so that's chapter one for you all I hope you liked it I'm going to try to post chapter two for you all tomorrow so be on the lookout author Chan out!

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