Chapter 22

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It's been a while since Izuku had last seen his mother. 

Maybe it's because he's too busy with college.

But thinking about his mom makes him sad to remember the day that he came back home from school with dried blood clinging to the sides of his face. 

He remembered being brought to the doctors and the doctor wrote down that his hearing will probably be gone forever.

Because of the superhuman society they live in and the advanced technology that has been developed over the years, Izuku and his mother were told that he could get hearing aids that could help him process sounds.

Izuku's heart broke when the doctors wrote down the price of the hearing aids down on the paper. 

He broke down and started crying.

Izuku knew that his mother didn't have the money, he knew that Inko could barely put food on the table every night. 

Pulling his mother out of the room, he begged her not to spend all this money on the hearing aids. 

Even if he probably sounded really weird, Izuku wouldn't know, he couldnt fucking hear, he cried and blubbered and hoped that his mother would listen. 

In the end he successfully convinced her and received a head nod and a single tear falling down his mother's face.

He later wrote down that he was going to make the money on his own and that she didn't need to worry about it. 

The next morning Izuku watched as his mother stumbled into the kitchen with red, puffy eyes as if she had been crying all night. 

The sight broke his heart again knowing that his mother was crying again because he couldn't protect himself.

"Hey Izuku," A familiar voice said, Izuku looked up to see Akio opening the door with his books in his hands. "Why are you back so early?" 

He moved closer to see Izuku sitting at the counter, a cup of tea between his hands, and a single tear falling down his face. 

"Hey, hey, Izuku…" Akio says dropping the books onto the counter and rushing over to the silent man. "Why are you crying?"

Izuku brought his hand up to his left cheek. 

This snapped him back into reality, where he quickly wiped away the tear. 

Had he really been that deep in thought? 

Thinking back to something that happened over 5 years ago. 

"I was just thinking of something," Izuku said after a while.

"That must have been a sad thought since it made you cry," Akio says, taking a seat next to Izuku. 

"Oh um," Izuku says looking down at the paper Camie had signed earlier. 

"I got you this," he says pushing the paper towards Akio, on it there was a signature, it said "Camie" with red lipstick where she kissed the paper. 

Izuku smiled, thinking back to the girl and how she deserved the world.

"What's this?" Akio asks, holding up the paper, it took him a second until he finally got his head wrapped around what it was. "HOLY SHIT, BRO YOU GOT ME CAMIE'S AUTOGRAPH?" 

Izuku sighed, "Yeah, I ran into her earlier and asked if she could give me an autograph."

"And you got this just for me?" Akio's eyes sparkled. 

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