Chapter 7

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"Ok, ok let me get this clear," Katsuki says to a sniffling Kaminari, "So you and Kirishima fucked, you left, you didn't answer his texts, and you told him you regretted it."

"Y-yeah," Kaminari blubbers and reaches his hand out to grab a tissue.

"Ok, but why would you come to me for help?" 

"Well that's because you and Kirishima are best friends,"

"Yeah, we might be best friends but out of everything you've told me the only thing I knew was that you two had sex,"

"W-wait he didn't tell you anything other than that?"

"He didn't even tell me about that part but I knew because you two left me alone that night,"

"Oh, sorry about that,"

"Yeah yeah, whatever,"

Big tears where rolling down Kaminari's eyes and Katsuki did the only thing he could come up with when one of his friends are crying.

Hug him.

Katsuki usually wasn't a touchy touchy person but he was out of ideas at the moment.

Wrapping his arm around Kaminari he pulled him into a hug, obviously it kinda surprised Kaminari because, well, this was Bakugou Katsuki showing affection.

Kaminari didn't say anything because he knew that if he opened his mouth he would ruin the moment.

The two stayed there until Katsuki pulled away, "Alright get out of my apartment, I have something to do," He says.

"There's the Bakugou I know," Kaminari says smirking.

"Yeah, well I had to do something but you showed up," 

"Ohh, tell me. Is it a special someone?"

"Shut up and get out," Katsuki says dragging Kaminari by the shirt, "And for the Kirishima situation, fucking talk to him. If you really feel sorry apologize or some shit, that's what I would do."

"Oh yeah and tell anyone I hugged you-" Katsuki starts but Kaminari cuts him off.

"Yeah I know, you're going to kill me," Kaminari says stepping out of the apartment.

"Good, you know," Katsuki says following behind him, "Alright, see ya tomorrow or whenever we meet again."

"Yeah goodbye," Katsuki locked the door and made his was to the bus stop, usually he would use his quirk to get places but he wasn't on duty at the moment.


Izuku watched as that one kid from a couple days ago look through the manga section again, apparently his name was Kota, he only knew this because his friend was with him and that's what he called him.

Izuku looked out at the grey clouds and the soft rumble of thunder outside, it was going to rain.

Yep, just his luck Izuku didn't bring an umbrella.

Whatever, that doesn't matter anyway, from the looks of it, it was going to rain really hard and the umbrella wouldn't have helped him anyway.

Maybe he could wait until the shop closes, maybe then the rain would be bearable. 

To make things even worse, he knew he would get yelled at by Akio, he had told Izuku before to bring an umbrella because it was going to rain.

Yeah Izuku didn't listen and he was going to pay for it by arriving back at the dorm room soaking wet which is going to scream yeah-i-said-fuck-your-advice-and-didnt-bother-bringing-an-umbrella-to-work-today.

To make matters even worse, Katsuki Bakugou decided for some fucking reason that he wanted to go to the bookstore the same day.

He watched as the dumb blond make his way over to the young adult section and start looking through the cheesy romance novels.

Of course he's the type to read those stupid romance novels.

He groaned as he watched Katsuki make his way towards the Izuku. 

"Hello, what can I help you with today?" Izuku asks trying not to lose his shit and run away.

"Uh- um yeah, I was wondering if you could help find me this one book please," Katsuki asks Izuku who only rolled his eyes.

"Yes, what book are you looking for, I might be able to find it for you,"

"Well you see I don't exactly know what the book's name was, I do remember what it was about though,"

"Is that so, well ok let's go," Izuku says making his way from behind the counter.

Katsuki could see from where he was standing that Izuku was wearing hearing aids, that's why he could reply to what he was saying.

"Alright, well if my memory serves me correctly, the story was about two people who fall in love with each other,"

Is he shitting me right now? How the hell am I suppose to find the book he was looking for when literally every romance books are based on two people falling in fucking love, thought Izuku.

"You're going to need a lot more information than that if you're trying to find the book you're looking for because there are way too many books out there that revolve around two people falling in love," explains Izuku, "I thought you would know that by now."

"Oh well I'm sorry I can't remember what the book was about," Katsuki grumbles.

Katsuki was really happy right now, his plan was going just as he wanted it to go. 

Izuku doesn't know what he had gotten himself into.

"You know, I could always get someone else to help you, maybe they'll know which book you're talking about," Izuku says looking over to one of his co workers helping out a little kid in the picture book section.

"Wait- No, it seems that they are busy, and you're already here," Oh shit did that sound desperate? Thought Katsuki. 

"Sure but I'm going to need more details, could you think of anything else you know about the book?" Asks Izuku.

"Uhhh well I think I remember one of the characters had green hair and the other had blond hair," Katsuki says smirking.

Obviously Izuku wasn't paying attention enough to figure it out. 

He was too deep in thought thinking about any romance novels where a blond and person with green hair fall in love.

"I'm sorry Katsuki, I have no clue what book you are trying to find, I'm sorry," Izuku says looking around until his eyes fall upon Nishimoto, his coworker, "Hey Nishimoto can you come over here real quick?"

The tall guy with orange hair walked over to where the two of them where standing and spoke, "Yeah Midoriya? What was it that you wanted?" He asks.

"Well, Katsuki here was looking for a book, he said it was it was a romance novel between a blond and a greenette, I'm kind of lost, maybe you could help him," Izuku suggests.

Nishimoto didn't walked over to the both of them and shot Izuku a bro-are-you-fucking-kidding-me-you-realize-hes-fucking-with-you-right? Look.

Even after that Izuku didn't understand it.

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