Rose Bowl

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The next day it was the last concert before the holiday and it was at Rose Bowl stadium, everyone woke up and headed to the stadium, when they got there they went backstage then to the stage for souncheck

Jake-"This is huge!"

Bryce-"We changed a few things since it's not an arena, so you guys won't be on one of the riser things".

Mikey-(holding Nicole) "No don't put that in your mouth".

Anthony-(laughs) "Seems like someone wants to sing".

Paddy-"Wow this is huge!"

Chelsea-"You ready for this babe?"

Marky-"Heck yeah, it prepares us for Sligo and hopefully stadium shows next year".

Harry-"I remember touring here last year, the fans were crazy".

Jessica-"It's gonna be crazy tonight, we're sold out with the help of Ellen". (smiles)

Liz-"You kids ready to get to work?"

Jake-"We sure are".

The kids do their soundcheck, they then go backstage to the meet and greet, after that they eat dinner then get ready, after they get ready they all get in a circle and say a prayer

Anthony- "Dear lord, thank you for this week, keep the fans, band, crew, family, and us safe, make it a great show, amen".


The kids then get into a circle

Jake-"Last show before the holidays, Rose Bowl on three".

All of them-"Ahhhh one, two, three. Rose Bowl!"

After that they hug everyone then head to the stage, once they get there the show starts, throughout the show they talked to the fans

Marky-"How are we doing LA!, (screams from fans) this is our first stadium we hope for many more, you guys are loud and we like it!"

Jessica-"Hey boys you think what we should do?"

Jake-"What's that?"

The band starts to play and the boys hav smiles on their faces

After the song they went backstage and changed into their closing outfits

Mikey-"Yo this is sick!"

Butch-"We knew you lot would like it".

Mikeys closing outfit

Mikeys closing outfit

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