Sick Day

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It was the next morning the others left the house to go get ready for rehearsal, Jessica did not feel well at all

Kyle-"Jess you okay?"

Jessica-"No I feel like crap".

Albert-"Maybe it's not the best to go to rehearsal".

Jessica-"I don't wanna let the boys down and not be there".

Brian-"You won't they are all sick too, the boys just texted me rehearsal is cancelled for today".

Kyle-"Why don't you go lay down sis".

Jessica goes up to her room and lays down, a little bit later Brian comes in

Brian-"You feeling better?"

Jessica-"Nope tell everyone goodbye, farewell for me".

Brian-(laughs) "I can't believe I said that in the past".

Jessica-"I can't believe I had to take care of you".

Albert-(walks in) "Here's some medicine Jess".

Jessica-"Thanks, hey does Kyle need a ride to football?"

Kyle-(walks in) "Andre is going to take me, I'll see you guys later feel better sis".

Brian-"Have a good practice, you want me to pick you up?"

Kyle-"No Andre can you just stay here and take care of Jess". (leaves)

Andre-"I'll be back then". (leaves)

Jessica-"I think we all got what Anthony had, he's not even sick".

Brian-"I know Mark said he's been painting".

The Filans

Shane-"You feeling better?"

Mikey-"A little, how come the four of us are sick, but Anthony isn't?"

Maddie-(laughs) "I believe all you have the bug that he had sweetie".

Mikey-"I better be okay by next week I wanna know if I'm having a baby brother or sister".

Shane-"I'm sure you will be, Bryce and Tiffany said two days off for you guys so that should be plenty of time".

The Egans


Paddy-"Bless you". (hands him tissue)

Kian-"Man you don't got what the others have, but man that was loud".

Jodi-"Both Jess and Mikey have the same bug that Anthony has, Jake has a cough and stuffed up nose also".

Mark-"What did you guys do whenver you were sick?"

Kian-"Well if one of us were really bad the others would do the interview and sing the other persons part, on tour we did get colds, but nothing too serious".

Paddy-"I'm washing my hands after I'm near you, I don't wanna get sick".

Jodi-(laughs) "Oh boy".

The Brynes

Rocco-"Bubba sick?"

Nicky-"Bubba is sick".

Georgina-"Jay what are you doing?"

Jay-"Making bubba feel better". (pets Jakes head)

Jake-(laughs) "Thanks buddy".

Nicky-"Anthony is the only one that isn't sick".

Jake-"That lucky duck".

The Feehilys

Mark-"How are the others doing?"

Anthony-"They're feeling somewhat better, I hope these two days help them out".

Mark-"Me too, say that's a great painting".

Anthony-"Thanks dad".

Back at the McFaddens

Kyle-"I hate my life!" (slams door)

Brian-"Oh god".

Andre-"It seems that some one on the team made fun of him".

Jessica-"About what?"

Andre-"They kept on talking about yer mum and also you lot".

Brian-"I'll go talk to him".

Brian goes to Kyles room and sees that he is crying

Kyle-"Why did it have to be them!"

Brian-(hugs him tight) "I know bud we'll get through this okay".

Kyle-"Thanks Brian for being here, all of my other family lives in London".

Brian-"No problem, how about you clean up and we'll have dinner".

Kyle takes a shower then goes eat dinner with Jessica and Brian, at the others houses they did the same thing and went to bed

Jessica-"So you're gonna talk with him tomorrow?"

Brian-"I am goodnight hun".

Jessica-"Night dad".

They go to bed

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