Make A Wish

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It was the day of the concert and also the Make A Wish, the kids got to the arena and stayed backstage till Bryce and Tiffany came in

Tiffany-"Okay they are here, this is Ryan he is the Make A Wish director".

Ryan-"Nice to meet you guys, now before you meet the girls I want to tell you their conditions, Emma was just diagnosed with stage one cancer, and Allie has a breathing conditon".

Jake-"Poor girls".

Ryan-"Well I will go get them". (heads to go get the girls)

He comes back in with them and Marky sees Chelsea and smiles

Mikey-"Hey guys". 

The girls go up to them and hug them after that they meet their parents 

Rick-"Thank you guys so much for taking yer time to see them".

Jessica-"Hey no problem, we love meeting fans".

Chelsea-"Emma this is Marky, the one I've been talking to you about".

Marky-"How ya doing sweetheart". (hugs Emma)

Emma-"Wow sissy was not wrong, you are cute".

Chelsea-(laughs) "That may of slipped out".

Marky-(smiles) "It's okay".

Anthony-"You must be Allie then?"

Allie-"Yep, thank you for granting our wishes". (hugs him)

Jake-"No problem sweetie, you guys are our first wishes actually".

Emma-"That's cool".

They spend time with the girls and their family, they take them for a tour of the stage and also let them be apart of soundcheck

Jessica-"Hey Emma ever played the guitar?"

Emma-"No, but I can play piano".

Marky-"Is it okay if she comes up here and plays?"

Rick-"Of course".

Marky picks Emma up and sets her on the seat by the piano and she starts to play

Jake-"Wow that was amazing".

Emma-"Thank you".

Jessica-"Tell ya what, during our acoustic set tonight would you guys like to be our special guests on stage?"


Ryan-(laughs) "They asked if you guys did that".

Mikey-"Well we normally don't, but we'll make a change tonight". (smiles)

They hang out on the stage some more then head backstage to take some pictures with the girls and their family, then they sign autographs and give them gift bags, Chelsea sits by Marky who is holding a sleeping Emma

Chelsea-"You sure you don't mind holding her?"

Marky-"She's fine I'm used to it with Paddy".

Chelsea-"Thank you so much for doing this for them". (hugs him)

Marky-"Hey no problem, I hope she gets better". (kisses Emmas head)

It was time for the girls to head to their seats

Jake-"We'll see you lot soon".

Allie-"Bye, thank you!"(hugs them)

Emma-(awake now) "Yes thank you so much". (hugs them)

Marky-"See ya soon sweetie".

Chelsea-"See ya". (kisses his cheek)

Rick-"Oh also I give ya permission son". (shakes his hand)

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