He What?!

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In present time the girls were trying to plan on how to tell the guys about Louis

Jodi-"They are gonna be so mad".

Maddie-"Especially Brian".

Georgina-"Shane is on his way back with Brian and Nicky with Mark".

Kian-(walks in) "Okay do I have to wait".

Jodi-"Yes you do".

The others show up and go into the living

Brian-"Okay what is this about?"

Nicky-"One yas pregnant?"

Maddie-"I wish, but no".

Mark-"Is everything okay?"

Georgina-"Well Maddie ran into Louis the other day".

Shane-"Great, how's he doing?"

Maddie-"He's doing well, but".

Brian-"But what?"

Albert-(walks in) "He took the kids back in time so the could find out why you guys broke up".

Kian-"He what?!"

Nicky-"Oh no, no this is not good".

Jodi-"He wants them to find out, so he can try to get you guys back together".

Brian-"I knew this was bound to happen". (leans back in chair)

Shane-"Mate, you saw this coming he even told us it would happen if you didn't tell Jess why Julie left".

Brian-"I've been wanting to I really have, but I just didn't know what to say".

Kian-"Well mate, now she's gonna find out somewhat why she left".

Mark-"Hey he didn't know Julie was gonna do that alright we already spoke of it and are on good terms again".

Nicky-"Mark is right we have been on good terms since the kids started school with eachother".

Brian-"So they're gonna meet their teen dads great, my kids gonna think I'm crazy".

Georgina-(laughs) "Brian I'm sure she'll love the younger you, she acts like you after all".

Shane-"She's right her and Mikey are two peas in a pod".

Kian-"Can we call them?"

Albert-"No Louis took you guys out of their phones, the will get yer younger selves numbers when they meet you".

Nicky-"How is he doing this anyways?"

Albert-(hands him a paper)

Brian-(reads) "The band Bloodline releases new album AM, will be opening for Westlife or rumored a combined tour".

Shane-"Wait the other day Mikey was singing a song, it had the word AM in it".


Shane-"Yeah he said that him and Jess wrote it".

Brian-"Wait Jess wrote a song?"

Shane-"I guess so mate".

Nicky-"Look, Louis made Jake be related to him". (laughs)

Mark-"They all have different last names".

Brian-"JC Neels?"

Maddie-"The last time Jess was called that was from Julie".

Jodi-"Let's just see what happens, Louis said that when they get back it will be two or three weeks before their project is due".

Kian-"That's next month!"

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